Rob Pincus

Self-Defense Training on a Budget

Rob Pincus
Duration:   3  mins

Self-defense training on a budget is a topic Rob Pincus has talked and written about extensively over many years. The budget issue is always a concern, and it’s not just about money. It can also be about time and/or access to training. Now Rob presents an update on the subject because some big changes are happening.

Self-Defense Training on a Budget

The firearms and personal-defense training communities have realized that distance education is a valid way to reach more students. If you’re on a tight budget for self-defense training — whether that’s a free-time budget, an ammunition budget, or a financial budget — one of the ways you can enhance your ability to learn and your opportunity to make the most out of your time on the range is through distance education.

What Is Distance Education?

You may consider reading an article or watching a video here on PDN distance education. But taking a true distance education class, whether it’s through a university, through the personal defense classes from PDN Academy, or through any other professional resource is far more intense. It gives you the opportunity to learn in multiple modes: you may watch videos, listen to audio, download files to read, or reference books.

In many courses you take online quizzes or tests to verify you’ve retained the information presented in the course. You may also be able to participate in question-and-answer sessions with the course instructor and discussion sessions with your fellow students. These are all important because in a true learning environment, there needs to be some way to get and give feedback and have interaction between instructor and student.

Opportunities, Not Limits

Rob encourages you to think of self-defense training on a budget as not limiting you but instead opening up opportunities for you to find creative ways to gain an education.

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One Response to “Self-Defense Training on a Budget”

  1. Abe

    Very applicable discussion Rob! What do you recommend for online resources (of course PDN!)

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