Practice is Work
Rob PincusDescription
In a training class, we get coaching from an instructor and peer interaction with other students, which is sometimes supportive and sometimes pressure. It’s a group experience. And then comes practice, where it’s just us, doing the work. Get out to a range and do that work.
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Out here on a hot day, cold day, perfect day. Doesn't matter. Practice is work practicing to pretend we're getting startled, right to recover from that. That startle reaction of someone shooting at us or jumping out at us, clearing our concealment garden and getting our gun into our hand, driving out. Obviously, we're processing information that whole time.
So what you just saw was a couple of reps. Uh, and one rep, I had a threat. I needed to shoot. Second time. I got startled thought I had a threat, brought the gun up, drove out and I decided it was a no shoot situation, particularly because of the background right on this range.
If I get too far off to one side or the other, I potentially am am shooting outside of the actual trap. So having the, the awareness of what's going on around you, this is something that we need to practice for all the time. All the time doesn't mean you have to practice every day. But practice is really more important than training. If you think of training, meaning going to a class, collecting certificates for a lot of people.
It's hobby for a lot of people. It's fun. You go with your friends, you maybe see an instructor. You see, once a year, I have a lot of people that come to my classes year after year after year and a lot of them don't practice nearly enough if at all in between those classes and I have to remind them, you know, coming to the class. I get it.
It's work too, but it's work in a different way. You know, whenever we challenge ourselves to learn new skills or to get better, we get the coaching, we get the peer interaction, which is sometimes pressure, sometimes supportive. We learn things from the other people out on the range. When we go to a class that's training and we define training as learning something new. Whenever we learn something new or learn to apply a skill in a new way, learn a new skill, le learning about gear, that's training practice is when we develop those skills to a higher level or we just try to maintain those skills so that we're always aware of what we're capable of if we encounter something in the real world.
And that's the work I'm gonna get back to work.
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