Trigger Guards on Staged Guns for Home Defense
Rob PincusDescription
What is the purpose of trigger guards?
All firearms owners have a responsibility to make sure their firearms are kept safe from unauthorized access. When it comes to defensive pistols inside the home, workplace or vehicle, the best way to do that is with a quick-access safe. If you’re not actually carrying the gun on your person but want to be able to access it quickly, the GunVault DrawerVault as shown in this video is a perfect choice.
Accessing the Gun
If you want to have an immediate response in the case of, for example, a home invasion, you need to keep a gun on your body. Staging a handgun as one of your home defense weapons in a quick-access safe can work if you have enough time to respond to an imminent confrontation, not an immediate one. How should you stage that handgun in the safe?
If you choose to keep a round chambered in the handgun while in the safe, take extra precautions to make sure that when grabbing the gun in a panic in the middle of a critical incident, you do not put a finger on the trigger. One way to prevent this is to put the gun in a holster, though that adds an extra step when retrieving it — grabbing the gun and taking it out of the holster. You can work on techniques such as this during handgun training sessions.
Trigger Guards
One of the best, easiest and quickest ways to solve the “accidental finger on the trigger” problem is by employing a trigger guard device. It attaches to the trigger and includes a lanyard that can be secured to a hook in the gun safe. When you reach for the gun, there is no way you can put a finger on the trigger.
All firearms owners have a responsibility to make sure that their firearms are kept safe from unauthorized access. And when it comes to defensive pistols inside of the home or inside of your workplace maybe even inside of a vehicle the best way you can do that is really gonna be with a quick access safe. If you're not actually carrying the gun on your person but you wanna be able to access it quickly something like this GunVault Drawer Vault is gonna be a perfect choice. Now, this gun right now is completely clear. We've got no rounds in the magazine no rounds in the chamber.
It's clear for the purposes of demonstration. One of the things that we've talked about a lot in terms of staging a gun inside of a quick access safe if we think about the circumstances under which we're going to need to grab the gun out of the safe we talked a lot about go ahead close the chamber take this loaded magazine in the case of home defense and stage it inside the pistol this way. If you're just going to put the gun inside the box that's the safest way you can do it. And the reality is that if you can get to this gun then you should also be able to get your grip go ahead and rack the slide, get around in the chamber and then go about what you need to do to defend your family. Obviously, this isn't going to be the kind of thing that your dive rolling across to your bedroom to pick the gun up and turn around and shoot the bad guy.
If the bad guy is that close getting to the gun inside the quick access safe probably isn't your best bet or at least not your first step. It's only when you have enough time for an imminent confrontation inside of your house that you're going to get a gun out of a quick access safe. If you're worried about immediate response you're gonna need to have the gun on your body. Now, that said that's still a caveat but it's a caveat to safety. One thing you can do if you wanna keep around chamber is obviously keep the firearm inside of a holster.
What that means is that when we go to the inside of the quick access safe and get it open we're going to need to grab the gun and then take the holster off. Now, why would we take these two steps? We take these two steps because what we don't wanna do and again we're gonna verify one more time that this gun is completely clear is in that panic in that moment, in the dark families crying families screaming, dogs barking, glasses breaking alarms are going off, someone's threatening your life maybe there's already been gunshots fired your adrenaline's up, you get this safe open you reach into the safe and a finger hits that trigger. That's what we're trying to avoid. We wanna make sure that we're not blindly grabbing it a gun inside of a box and getting a finger on the trigger when we don't intend to.
But one of the best ways that you can solve that problem really quickly and really easily is to use one of these trigger guard type devices. Now, some people try to use these in place of a holster on their body, I'm not a fan of that approach. But what I do like these things for is attaching them to your gun and then securing the end of the lanyard to a hook or any other solid point inside of your quick access safe or inside of wherever you've staged your firearm. So, if I just loop this through I get that secured on a hook that I've placed inside of this Drawer Vault and now when I get this safe open no matter how panicked I am, no matter how distraught I am no matter how dark it is, how rushed I am when I reach into this safe there is no way that my finger can hit that trigger area. And when I grab the gun and I pull the gun out of the safe in my good proper grip with my trigger finger stage where it's supposed to be and I yank out.
Now, obviously if this quick access safe is mounted somewhere then that's gonna be a good solid surface here for display purposes. We've just got an angle on this table so, I wanna brace it here just to show that this is very secure, this isn't gonna fall off but when I pull I'm gonna be able to now access that trigger very easily when I need it. But I can safely retrieve the gun from the quick access safe. You need to seriously consider using a trigger guard. If you're going to have a round chambered inside of a quick access, safe inside of a bag or any other location of off body carry maybe even in that glove compartment or in that drawer if you decide not to use the safe if you're just gonna hide the gun wherever it is when you're reaching into that area that you can't see and you have a loaded gun with a round in the chamber you wanna make sure you don't have a negligent discharge and make a worst case scenario even more worse for you and your family.
When you need a defensive handgun.
I question the safety of having a chambered round in a pistol safe. If there's a fire, the heat could cause the round to fire and I think the metal of most pistol safes won't stop the bullet, leaving the firemen and/or neighbors in danger. Thoughts?
Where can these be purchased?
What are your thoughts on gun in a sticky pocket holster or a glock saftey block behind the trigger in the trigger guard ?