Rob Pincus

Are You a Sheepdog?

Rob Pincus
Duration:   3  mins


The analogy of the sheepdog, which oversees and protects the flock, was popularized in the law enforcement, military, security, and personal defense communities in the 1990s through the writings of Lt. Col. David Grossman, who has been a PDN contributor. Over the years, Rob Pincus’s beliefs about the sheepdog concept have evolved.

The Professional Sheepdog

Rob completely supports the idea of the sheepdog when talking about the armed professional — military, law enforcement, and security. They have distinguished themselves from the flock, put themselves in a position of overwatch and agreed to professionally take on the responsibility of protecting everybody else. They can truly say, “I am the sheepdog.” But are you really a sheepdog?

If you’d asked Rob ten years ago if the sheepdog analogy applied to personal defense, he would have replied absolutely yes. But over the years he’s learned that there really is a dramatic difference when he’s wearing his badge and uniform as a reserve deputy and goes out into the public space. He is then playing the role of the sheepdog.

The same applies when he is on an executive protection detail and during many other times in his professional life when he has worn a security uniform, a law enforcement uniform, or a military uniform.

I am the Sheepdog

But what are you, a private citizen, acting as when you put on a firearm and go out into the public space with the intention of defending yourself and your family? Is “I am the sheepdog” your motto? Should it be? On the contrary, Rob believes you are simply a member of the flock who is prepared to defend themselves.

Learn more about Lt. Col. Grossman’s self-defense concepts through his videos here at PDN, and get differing viewpoints in our extensive collection of self-defense training videos.

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7 Responses to “Are You a Sheepdog?”

  1. David

    The time of the sheepdog is passing. The sheepdog lies with the flock and protects from the wolves who come in the night to kill and consume. Our sheepdogs have failed us. The wolves are in the fold and decimating the flock. The time is coming where we will need the wolfhound, who tracks the wolf to its lairs and dens and exterminates the threat to the flock.

  2. lpotwell

    Very good, thought provoking piece. One suggestion, however, for a future iteration on this topic - let’s be more gender-inclusive. Women are the fastest growing segment of the concealed carry/personal defense community. And there’s no one more formidable in defense of their own than a momma bear, elephant, or lion. Let’s not get locked in to the “ram” analogy. My wife and three daughters (all pit bulls when it comes to family) will appreciate it. Thx for all the excellent content.

  3. kingssonservices

    I read the description and watched the video and I would have to disagree with part of it. In most aspects law enforcement officers are only res-ponders. They respond to something after it happens. Very rarely, with the exception of traffic citations, does a law enforcement officer ever see or catch something when it actually happens. They are almost 100% of the time, called after the fact to take a report based upon what has already occurred. Historically, military, security and CCW individuals tend to be more aware of their surroundings, over watching the flock around them. Now there may be some law enforcement officers that could be classified as sheepdogs, but that certainly would not be the norm. As around here, which is a very heavily policed geographical area, for as rural as we are. It would appear, that there primary function around here, is revenue generation. Other geographic locations may differ from the norm around here.

  4. John

    Rob, I agree with your analogy. Sheepdogs are to protect the herd and Rams are part of the herd. As the gentleman below talked about the porcupine he would actually not be part of the herd. I would also like to think that those of us who are CCW holders are a cross between the sheepdog and more like a herding dog. We will do the part to protect when necessary but will more likely move the herd to a safer location if given the opportunity. There still may be a crossing in the terms yet.

  5. Jose

    I have heard another analogy that may be even more appropriate than the "ram". I am actually a porcupine. In todays world I will defend myself and my family, but I am not willing to take the risk of defending others and spending $$ and time to defend myself from government and law enforcement intrusion.

  6. David Weaver

    I would hope that I was - in the case that the circumstance warranted it. The problem is that by simply professing that one is prepared and "willing" is liable to be used against you in a court of law - in the case that the circumstance warranted it.

  7. Howard

    Dear Mr. Pincus, Thanks for another great video. I may have told you by email that I present on emergency preparedness for people with disabilities and I address four categories: fire escape, medical, mandatory evacuation, and, depending on audience, anti-crime/terrorism. Though I speak mostly to an audience who is unarmed, what knowledge do you recommend that I present for armed professionals or citizens? Or would such a presentation be useful to you at all? And yes, I should take some classes from you. Thanks, Howard

The analogy of the sheep dog that over watches and protects the flock, is one that was popularized in the military law enforcement security and personal defense communities, in the 1990s by the writings of Lieutenant Colonel David Grossman. Now Lieutenant Colonel Grossman's been a contributor here at personal defense network. And you can learn a lot about his sheep dog concept and his other great ideas on mindset and the will to fight and the preparation to develop your will to fight to protect your family and our American way of life. Right here at Personal Defense Network and other places on the web. I actually quoted the sheep dog analogy from Grossman's book on killing. When I gave the graduation address at my police academy many years ago. I completely support the idea of the sheep dog. When we're talking about the RM professional, we're talking about the military law enforcement, the professional security operator, security guard, the guy standing in the mall with nothing more than a whistle and a badge. They have distinguished themselves from the flock. They've put themselves in a position of overwatch and they've agreed to professionally take on the mantle and the responsibility of protecting everybody else. But are you really a sheep dog? Now, if you ask me 10 years ago if I thought the sheep dog analogy applied to personal defense I would have said absolutely, of course, why not? But over the years I've learned that really there is a dramatic difference when I'm wearing my badge. For example, as a reserve deputy in San Juan County in Colorado. When I put that uniform on and I go out into the public space, I am playing the role of the sheep dog. When I take an executive protection job, I'm playing a role of a sheep dog. In many different facets of my life, when I've worn either a security uniform a law enforcement uniform, or a military uniform I have been in a role of a sheepdog and I know many of you have as well. But what are you really acting as when you put a gun on and you go out into the public space really with the intention of defending yourself and your family for those that you immediately care about. You're not standing alone, you're not standing in the corner, you're not riding around with flashy red and blue lights. You're simply a member of the flock who is prepared to defend oneself. And in a conversation with the reality-based training guru Ken Murray, he relayed a story that one of his students told him about the idea of being a ram. And that's probably what you're being when you put that firearm on, or when you just simply go out with the mindset of preparation, awareness and willingness to defend yourself or anyone else that you happen to be going to the restaurant or the mall, or going to work with, you're a member of the flock but you're a ram. You've got hooves to kick with. You've got a mindset to fight with. You've got those horns that you might smash into someone if they really do try to cause you or someone you care about trouble. And of course those natural tools are analogous to the tools that we carry as people who are prepared for personal defense. But don't think of yourself as a sheep dog. You're not supposed to stand off from everyone else. You're not departing from society. You're not standing aside from your family. You're one with your family. You're one with your co-workers. You're one with your community. And the more you understand that, the more you'll probably be able to encourage others to take their personal defense seriously, and appreciate that you aren't imagining yourself as something else. You're imagining yourself as one of them and all of you, including me and you and your family and your coworkers and your neighbors, whether you agree with them politically, philosophically, or anything else, all of us are worth protecting and should be prepared to defend one another as members of the flock, not just when we put on a uniform or a badge and stand outside of it.
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