Product Review: Breakthrough Clean Lube and Gun Solvents
Paul CarlsonDescription
I'm here at the NRA Annual Meetings 2015, Nashville, Tennessee. We're getting to the end of the show when we're wrapping up, and one of the places I wanted to make sure that I got by to see was Breakthrough Clean. Breakthrough Clean is a relatively new player when it comes to the market of cleaning and lubricating firearms but their products are outstanding and show the experience that they have in the world of solvents. Breakthrough Clean is a pH neutral petroleum-based solvent that does an outstanding job of cutting carbon and all kinds of fouling from your firearm. Some of the best things are that it's non-toxic and there's no odor with Breakthrough Clean.
You can literally clean while you're on top of your kitchen table, nobody's gonna smell it. You're not gonna damage the finishes on your firearm. You're not gonna damage the finish on the kitchen table and you're not gonna harm anyone with harmful chemicals. Breakthrough Clean works wonderfully, and at the same time, it's friendly to your family and to your firearms. You can't ask for much more than that.
It's available in both a two-ounce and a six-ounce bottle. And if you're really serious about cleaning firearms you can get it by the gallon as well. In addition, Breakthrough Clean has been pretty smart and added to their line. They have Battle Born high purity oil. Again, we've got a high purity, virtually clear oil that isn't sensitive to temperature, not temperature highs, not temperature lows.
This is gonna allow your gun to run in any conditions. Not sensitive to pressure, either. It's really an outstanding lubricant. In addition to that, Battle Born Grease is one of the newer products. I haven't had the time that I've wanted to get on Battle Born grease, but it really is, got a great reputation for keeping a firearm running, if you're a fan of using the grease.
When you use all three together it really starts to make a lot of sense. Breakthrough Clean is available in individual packages, and it's also available in cleaning kits that come with all of the accessories you need to keep your firearm clean. Keeping that defensive firearm clean is critical. It needs to function every time you press the trigger, and being properly maintained is part of that. Breakthrough Clean can help you keep your gun running.
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