The POF Wonder Rifle
Deryck PooleDescription
Standard Features
The POF Wonder Rifle features an ambidextrous rear sling mount, Renegade Rail with patented heat-sink barrel nut, MILSPEC+ bolt carrier group, single-stage straight match-grade trigger (with about 3.5 pounds of pull), roller-bearing cam pin that reduces friction and aids in reliability, POF’s new Strike Eagle ambidextrous charging handle and safety, and new Micro B single-port compensator/muzzle brake, which helps with recoil management.
Deryck is a fan of the Mission First Tactical minimalist stock, which the Wonder Rifle sports. This stock can be grabbed almost as a handle if needed. The Wonder Rifle has an Ergo Grip, which Deryck had never had on a rifle but he finds that it is indeed very ergonomic — comfortable to hold onto and it makes all the controls easily accessible.
E Squared Dual-Extraction System
The Wonder Rifle incorporates POF’s patented E2 (E Squared) dual-extraction system. Four shallow grooves are cut into the neck area of the chamber. Gas is vented rearward through these channels, easing extraction. It reduces stress on the extractor, enhancing reliability and meaning you can run steel-cased ammunition through the Wonder Rifle. Deryck has about 1,800 rounds, all steel cased, through the Wonder Rifle, and the rifle has run flawlessly. The benefit of steel-cased ammo is you can do a full day of rifle training, 1,000 rounds, for about $200.
This is the first rifle Deryck has ever purchased and not had to change anything out on it because he didn’t like it. The Wonder Rifle was good to go right out of the box. If an AR-type rifle is one of your home-defense weapons or you are looking for another training or duty rifle, Deryck highly recommends the light and reliable Wonder Rifle.
If you have any questions or comments on the POF Wonder Rifle, please leave them below.
Hey guys, Derek Poole here. I wanna talk to you about this rifle. The POF Wonder, POF came back on again, as a tour sponsor I got to attend a media day out in Arizona at the POF headquarters got to do some shooting of a lot of their new stuff. And this was one of their new rifles I got to shoot and I was really impressed with this gun. So I just wanna share a little bit about the gun with you and why I really like it.
So across the top here, I have, you know, backup sites a laser light combo, and a hollow sun optic on it that did not come with the rifle. That is stuff I added afterwards but let's look what actually comes standard on this rifle. First off it comes in at only six pounds which is incredibly light for an AR platform to start with before you have to add any accessories to it. Back here on the back, we have a Mission First Tactical Minimalist Stock. I'm a real big fan of the stock.
I've actually been running one of these for the last four or five years. Whenever they first came out, I got my hands on one, really liked that stock. You can put up with a lot of abuse. If you need the mortar a gun or whatever if you run into a malfunction, it can handle it. It makes it really easy to grab and go and use it as almost like a handle.
If it's set up, you just grab it and take off. So that's really nice. They use their anti-tilt buffering tube on this gun. That means that if for whatever reason you have to take the buffer tube on or off it's self center. So you don't have to worry about is it vertical is my stock in the right place.
So if you ever have to remove it, it lines itself back up, back here on the end plate they add a ambidextrous QD Mount here on the back of the rifle which makes it really easy for mounting your sling. Be it a QD adapter or just attaching your own QD adapter and leaving it there. So that's a real nice feature. It also comes with an ambidextrous charging handle their strike Eagle charging handle. I am a left-hander.
So having that ambidextrous capability makes it really nice but let's look inside the rifle now, once we look inside the rifle that has their flat face drop-in competition trigger runs about three and a half pounds of pool which is probably the lowest level. I like to go with a personal defense gun. It's a great trigger. It feels really nice. It also has the anti back out pins as that comes included as well as an ambidextrous safety looking at the lower receiver here there are these two little nylon pins.
What those are in there for is, as the gun gets used and use more. Sometimes you end up with a little bit of play between the upper and the lower receiver, that gives you the ability to back it out and re establish that nice tight fit when the gun is together. So that's really cool. The other cool thing about it is if they ever wear out and you need to replace them, you can just go to Home Depot and get them. You don't have to go contacting POF for a special part.
It's readily available. Down here on the grip and it comes with this ergo grip. This is the first gun I've ever had with an ergo grip. And I to tell you it's very ergonomic. It lives up to its name.
It's very easy to hold on to. It's nice to hold on to as well as makes all the controls very accessible from that grip. Up here on their bolt carrier their bolt and bolt carrier. They're known for their roller bearing campaign. You know, they added it into this rifle.
What it does is it cuts down on the amount of friction as this moves back and forth in the upper receiver and aides and reliability. So that's included in this rifle. The other thing is included in this rifle is there East square chambering system. If you're not familiar with it I recommend good reading up on it. But what it is in a nutshell is there's four little channels cut around the chamber of the barrel.
What that does is it aids in extraction by allowing gas spent gas after the bullet is fired to come back down the barrel and then an aid and the extraction of that spent case. It's one of those things that helps this gun run reliable as well as has POF saying, you can run steelcase to ammo in this gun and there will run reliably. I'll tell you this gun has about 1800 rounds through it all steel case, and it's run flawlessly. The nice thing about the steelcase is you can go out and get a good days of good days worth of training thousand rounds for about $200 maybe even a little bit less. So that's a nice feature that they've included in this rifle.
Let's start looking down at the rifle comes with a 14 and a half inch floating hand gun with QD mounts already built into the hand gun. If you've ever dealt with an AR before, a lot of the times you get them and there's no way to Mount a sling it's extra stuff you have to buy. It's already there on the gun. Then we moved down here to the end of the gun. It comes with what they call their micro B compensator muzzle device.
This thing right here, when I first saw it, didn't think this thing is really not gonna aid that much in recoil management. In fact, I was actually really surprised at how much it actually does work and do its job. So that's pretty much the high points of this POF rifle. The nice thing is this is actually the first rifle I've ever purchased and not had to change something out on it because I didn't really like it. This rifle was set up like that from the get go.
So if you're in the market for a new AR I highly recommend checking out the POF. If you're in the process of building a rifle you own a rifle and want to upgrade. A lot of these parts are available from POF that you can apply straight to your mil-spec AR. So if you have any questions or comments, please leave them down below and we'll get you answers as quickly as possible. Thanks a lot.
Hope to see out on the tour.
Thanks for the assessment. That appears to be a great addition to any personal armory. Well done.