PDN LIVE Product Showcase
Personal Defense Network EditorsDescription
PDN LIVE Product Showcase Sponsors
Primary Arms
Work Sharp
Weber Tactical
StealthProject Suppressor
Welcome to the first Personal Defense Network Product Showcase. And this is a live event. I'm joined by a bunch of great guys. You've seen them online. You've probably trained with some of these guys, if you've been training long enough in the community.
And these are our hosts of the "Training Talk Show". Barrett Kendrick from Bearco training. Derek Pool from Echo Five. You know these guys if you follow Personal Defense Network. You probably also know this guy, Don Edwards, with Greenline Tactical.
And one of our newest contributors, Kevin Dixie, from No Other Choice. Everybody here has a lot of different experience. They've got a lot of different experience teaching as well. And as everybody knows, that's really what we try to do at Personal Defense Network. This isn't really supposed to be marketing, even though it's called a product showcase.
We're gonna talk about how to use these products. We're gonna talk about how they might value you in your preparation to defend yourself or others that you care about. And some of it's gonna be way before the fight preparation. And some of it's gonna be in the middle of the fight, worst case scenario, incredibly unlikely things that could actually be incredibly helpful for you in terms of saving your life or protecting those that you care about. So we're gonna jump right into it.
We only have an hour. All of us are gonna check the comments later. We're gonna be able to jump in there. We probably won't get time for questions now. But if you have questions, go ahead and throw 'em in the comments and we will get to them.
And right now, click share. Share the link. Use your phone. If you're watching on a computer to share this out. Let's get as many people involved in this product showcase as we can because this is our first one.
We're going to do more and that'll give us an opportunity to see what you want. Because what questions you have really are the questions we wanna answer. If they're great questions, we'll give you great answers. If they're not so great questions, we'll tell you why. Because a lot of times people will say, well, I would love to have that for X, Y, or Z.
That may be great for competition. It might be great for target shooting. But this is Personal Defense Network. Don, let's you and I talk about Steiner. Steiner is a brand that has been around forever.
It's known as a high quality brand. Absolutely. Obviously in the professional's world we know what Steiner is. But in the consumer market, it's kind of a new name. They've got some great stuff.
Talk about Steiner. I'm gonna get one of those things and come right back. Well, Steiner is a, a lot of people know them for their optics. And they are a European company that uses high quality glass in their binoculars. And now scopes that they've, I don't know how many years they've been relatively new to the scope market.
But they've got a reputation for high quality glass in their inner binoculars. And that's what a lot of guys are like, hey, Steiner binoculars. And we've been issued those and stuff like that for a long time. We'll be out here is a sample of that. It's called a P4Xi.
And it's a four sensor, four power. And it's what we refer to as an LPVO or a Low Powered Variable Optic. And this one, basically it goes from one to four X in its magnification. And it has this throw lever, so it's nice and quick to do that. If you need one, it's got an illuminated red dot inside of it.
So you can run it like, sorta like your red dot optic. Ready up and stuff like that if you need it very close and no magnification. Or you can just crank it over and now you have a scope with a reticle that has four power. This one here is set up for a minute of angle adjustment. So it's got a minute of angle style reticle inside of it.
And it's a great little option. These are kind of popular for law enforcement patrol rifle use because they're good quality. And there are some places where guys are not allowed to have over say, 5X on their magnification. So four is better for them because they can have at least something on there and a good quality. They're robust.
This is a really good option. That's a Steiner mount as well. And oh yeah, the mount that's in it, it even says Steiner on the side. But Steiner provides mounts for you soup to nuts. The throw lever was in there.
And let's talk about that magnification. Because low power variable magnification optics is something that we, personally, when I was still in law enforcement full-time, it was like, now we don't want magnified optics. But that's something we're seeing more and more for active shooter response in rural areas, obviously. And this idea that you don't want a lot of magnification, limiting it by regulation is one thing. But what are your thoughts on the value for a regular patrol in a dense area?
I think it definitely has value. Especially if it has the eye box and eye relief on one power that a guy can use as a primary optic like a red dot. So think of it like this. It's not turning your patrol rifle into a sniper rifle. It's allowing you to see and identify that target or that threat a lot better.
So being able to crank it up to four or six like some of the others have, or whatever gives you the ability to see really what's going on and make a very critical shot if you have to, even if it's at a normal patrol rifle distance. So it's a real game changer. And they also make a five, a one to five as well. Yes, Steiner makes a one to five. The guys out in Texas Law Enforcement are popular with them because that's what they're maxed out at.
By regulation. Right. So, yeah, it's a good quality option. That's a... All right, we're gonna talk about some of the other Steiner products.
The first one we're gonna talk about is this DRS1X. And that is a more traditional red dot that we would think of for home defense. It's this kind of thing you see us using a lot more often at Personal Defense Network. Yeah. So this is kinda set up for, if you will, seek you be close quarter battle.
It functions very similarly to any of your other red dot optics of various brands. The unique thing about this, or some of the differences about this, it runs on two AA batteries that go in the front. It has three different reticles available to you inside of it. It's got a two MOA dot, which is pretty common. But then if you hit this power button one time and give it a bump, it gives you another reticle with two little hash marks.
Which can maybe give you a little bit faster acquisition of your target or help you to range something. It's set. So it goes across the shoulders of a humanoid target at 25 yards. Perfect. So you can know, hey, that's exactly 25 yards or Mosser Manos.
And then it's got another setting if you bump it one more time that leaves the hash mark and then it gives a very large dot, I believe it was 65 MOA. So the idea there is for like, if you operate in a very close quarters environment and you just need to be able to put a red dot on something real fast and make a hit, that's what that's... But in that one, in particular, does leave those hash marks. And then between the hash marks becomes a finer image point. Actually, the third the third reticle has all of the above.
It's got hash marks, the two on the way dot, and the big dot. So it may seem a little bit busy. But if that's what you need, it really could suit your purposes. Other than that, this thing's pretty, it's very robust and sturdy. It's got a big glass in the back.
So it's got a wide field of view, even though it's not really a thing with red dot optics like that non-magnified. But it's good for if you're in awkward positions to be able to see that dot quickly. So which reticle is it on right now? I'll have to look. It's on the two MOA dot.
Okay, so put it on maybe the last one. Okay. And 'cause I wanna take a look at that and you've worked with the buttons on this one more than I have. Okay, that's how fast and easy that is. I see what you did there.
Yeah, see what I did there? That way I wasn't gonna screw it up. Now, what we're looking at here with our target array, we've got two white targets way in the back and we've got this close up one. So without even looking through here, if I'm gonna come up on this close one, I'm looking for that big circle to just right beyond the chest, right? So now I've got that big circle on the chest, I'm good to go.
But if I wanna go back to the further back targets with that big circle covers up the whole chest area. And I actually have a malfunction. That's not good. So good thing this is not an advertisement for this rifle. Working live.
When I come up here on the back targets, that whole big 65 MOA covers up the chest area. But if I go to the small dot, it gives me what I'm looking for. So again, you tell me, what do you see? What do you like about the little dot, the red dot with its closer target and the further target? Well, what you were talking about, I think is exactly what that dot, the way I would use that.
So I have all of the above at my disposal right here in my line of sight. All right. Well, let's switch it up. I'll put you over here. I'm gonna give you a left and right and close and you give me some multiple shot bursts.
And then you're gonna talk to me about that DBAL that's on there. Okay. All right. So right. Close.
Right. Cool. So you're switching back and forth. Now do you... Yeah, for that close one, I just put that big red dot right in the center of that chest and pull the trigger.
I know a lot of people are gonna ask when they look through here and they see this. And one of the things we're gonna do is we're gonna produce our normal PDN videos. So you guys are gonna have to look through the reticle and all that stuff. And maybe that's the one you're watching. But for those of you watching live, you might be thinking, well, wait, there's a little dot and then the big dot's under it.
They can't both be zeroed at the same place. How do you deal with that? So if you think about it like this, most of us have had to learn the hide over bore hole for our various red dots. This kind of compensates for that. So if I'm in such close quarter environment, it's below.
So it's gonna give me a little bit of that holdover that I'm looking for already. So it's not designed to be, in my opinion, a precision shot. It's like, if I have to shoot upper chest as fast as possible because it's very urgent shot, that's what it's gonna be great for. All right, I'll let you clear that out. And what I wanna talk to you about now is, what Don is gonna talk about.
But I'm gonna talk to you about Don. Don is really one of the best known guys when it comes to night fighting, when it comes to teaching the night fighter class. Most of us here on the show have been students of his in one way or another in the dark. And that's one of the things that he really knows more about than almost anybody in this space and especially doing private sector classes. I'm really proud to have his contributions at Personal Defense Network in this area.
And I'm gonna let you talk about that DBAL-A3. So yeah, Steiner also makes lasers. And some of you guys may know them for their lasers. This is the DBAL-A3. It is a class 1 version.
Which by class 1, I mean it's civilian legal. So it is lower powered. It's not full powered like some of you guys might've had when you were in the military or something like that. So it's lower powered because these laser devices are regulated by the FDA. What we're allowed to own as civilians, as non-government entities.
But this is the class 1 version or a class 1 version of what was fielded during the war as the PEQ-15 Alpha. So there's the PEQ-15. There was some very prolific, Steiner also had a portion of that contract and they developed the PEQ-15 Alpha. Almost the same, only different housing, so made by different companies. So this is gonna seem very familiar to those guys that are used to that.
This has a lot of settings. Some of the settings that are depicted on here don't do anything because they're the same, it's the same writing that is on the full powered stuff. So it won't even switch all the way over. And you can take this training screw out, by the way, and it doesn't make it full power. So they make these housings on the same assembly line, basically.
So they're not gonna make a special one. But it's the internals that are tuned down and it's a software and a hardware thing on the inside. So, but it has a green visible laser. It has a visible IR infrared laser and IR illuminator. And you can use combinations of both.
You can use just the illuminator or just the laser or both of them at the same time, which is how we prefer to use them generally with night vision. So night vision for patrol officers, for SWAT teams. Probably not in a home defense area, but maybe hog hunting applications, things like that. But then you have a lot of people coming to your classes that are training with these things really just to get the experience and understand it. And maybe some veterans that used this stuff in the military that come out and they wanna equip their home defense tool the way they had their professional tool set up.
Yeah. I mean, I get all ends of the spectrum of people in the class from full-time armed professionals that are coming on their own time or they got their department to send 'em to guys who were just, loved to shoot. A lot of guys say they love to train. That's their hobby. They don't play golf.
They love to take classes like this. And then you're prepared to minded individuals who just wanna make sure that they're ready for whatever might happen. And then a lot of people, we use lasers like this for hunting wild pigs at night and stuff like that. We have a lot of fun doing that. As a matter of fact, supposedly, it's one of the fastest growing segments of the hunting market.
Oh, I knew that. Is night vision hog hunting. Yeah, and they're considered pests. If you don't live in an area where there are wild boar, talk to somebody that does. That is a necessary thing.
I'm gonna take this from you. Okay. I appreciate all that stuff. We're gonna talk to you more in the show on some other stuff. But I'm gonna bring Derek Pool in right now.
Derek Pool, again, if you follow a Personal Defense Network, you're very familiar with him through "Training Talk", through a lot of the video stuff he's done. One of his most popular videos was related to some of this stuff that he was doing on a motorcycle. He's a big motorcycle rider. He spends a lot of time thinking about how to carry, how to do a lot of different things in a clandestine way and in a comfortable way. You also are a tech guy.
A lot of people don't know that, that he has a tech background, an IT background and all that. And he also has run an online store. So I wanted you to be kind of our expert when it comes to Primary Arms Online. Now, if you're familiar with Primary Arms as an optics company only, which I'll admit, up until about probably about a year ago, that's how I thought of them. They also have a very extensive and I think easy to use online stores.
So Primary Arms Online. What's your experience been with the Primary Arms Online store? I know we have some parts out here that we're gonna talk about. But what about the store itself? Well, like you said, I have a computer science degree and I did a lot of web work.
So intuitive website is a big deal to me. Especially on phones. I got big hands. My eyes aren't that great. So my first test for anything is I grab my phone and see, what is the website look like when I'm using my phone?
And the first thing right off the bat is it's set up that it works fine on a phone, works great on a laptop. And you don't have any incessant scrolling. It's very easy to navigate by brand. Somebody did a lot of work of putting things into categories, making things really easy to find. That's one of the things I've noticed.
Some of the stores that I've used that are set up, it's very, very hard, if you put like a brand, let's say, I want parts. So I'm doing a lot of gun building now. If I want parts for a certain thing, it's very hard to narrow it down. I found Primary Arms Online really did intuitively understand what I was looking for and point me in the right direction. Oh yeah, they got a builder's category.
So you just say, I'm building an AR, boom, hit it. And then they have that broken down into you can get rails, barrels, everything all in one kit or you can individually pick and choose. And so this rifle that Don and I were just shooting, actually, has a Geissele rail on here. This does not have the CMC triggering it. We've got another four over here.
We're gonna talk about with a CMC Two Stage trigger as well. But the barrel in this is a Primary Arms branded barrel that is actually manufactured by FN. Which obviously FN is one of the best barrel making companies out there. So this is an example of some of the parts we got. Don Edwards, that was just on with me, actually put this together.
And like I said, we have another one of these CMC drop in triggers. I know that I've shot a lot of the CMC triggers and I like 'em. Have you had a good experience with those? Yeah. I've tried their block drop-in as well as their ARs.
They're a high-quality trigger. And this is the two-stage. Like I said, this particular rail, here's the thing. When it comes to building an AR, when it comes to picking your barrel length, picking your rail, picking the style of rail, the trigger single-stage, two-stage, whether it's flat or curved, the options are there. And as we know, it's been very, very hard to find exactly what it is you want in terms of things being in stock.
So for example, this particular one, this two-stage trigger that we have here as a sample, this is now out of stock. And the fact that it's out of stock means that, well, you're gonna have to get a single-stage trigger or maybe a flat two-stage trigger instead of this curved two-stage trigger. But the good news is, with CMC and Primary Arms Online working together, maybe by the time you're watching this video or this evening it's back in stock. But just keep an eye on that. And they have a real simple way to get updates, too, right?
Yeah. So for sales, have you signed up for the newsletter? Have you looked at that? Yup. Is it spammy?
No, not at all. Nope. And the other thing is, yeah, you sign up and when you initially sign up, you get a coupon code for $12 off your first order. Oh, well, there you go. So, all right.
Sign up $12 off your first order. That's perfect. And then really take a look at this stuff. A lot of the things that we're gonna be talking about today work in support of you getting better prepared for personal defense. Well, obviously it's not about just buying the stuff and putting it together and knowing the specs, but you're gonna have to go practice as well.
So in an incredibly choreographed and scripted, staged way, Kevin Dixie just happens to be practicing right now. And he's at slide lock. Oh, yeah, I'm at a slide lock. I see that it's at clear, you can bring it back up here. So we're gonna work, like I said, Kevin's one of our new guys so I know he can shoot faster than that.
We're gonna work on the whole balance of speed and precision thing. 'Cause that's a little bit embarrassingly tight group for PDN, but that's okay. This is one of your Truth pistols, right? Yes, sir, it is. So let's talk about it.
Show this off. Let's make sure we get the closeup of this. Talk to us about newer, 'cause you are one of our newest guys at PDN. You just wrote a great article and your first article was published at PDN, I don't know, two weeks ago. Got great feedback.
Great reviews on that. Tell us a little bit about what you do and No Other Choice Training in the Personal Defense World. All right. So, great. So I'm Kevin Dixie, once again.
I focus on making sure that the everyday person, now, we work with military law enforcement and that's great. But we understand that there's more support we can give to that division of unit. So people that get out there and fight. But also to the civilian market. We need to make sure that Bob, the plumber, the lady that works in an office also have the same tools and abilities and access to training as everyone else.
So I really put a big emphasis on that. And No Other Choice means just this. Not only being safe, but we have to make sure we're, let's just say grounded morally, if you will. So No Other Choice means never cause a negative impact to another human life, unless you're at the point of no other choice. So make sure you're extending God's grace and mercy to others, as you would want it extend to you as long as you don't allow yourself or another innocent person to be harmed in the process.
So that's who we are. And that's what I stand for and that's what I represent. So we wanna be safe, but we wanna make sure we're good stewards of society as well. All right. And you had obviously a hand in the design and development of this Truth pistol, kind of a way it's configured, the way it looks.
I did a video, I don't know, it was probably three years ago, GRPC, maybe two years ago. Where I went in depth with you on this. We're gonna let people go check that out, but I wanted you to show it off. Now it's dirty. It is dirty.
So talk to me about Ballistol. Ballistol is a company that I've seen their products all over the place for years. Don't have a lot of personal firsthand experience with it. I'm about to get more. I did clean up a gun the other day, seemed to work great.
But you've studied the product. Talk to me about the product and the company. All right, so good. So I got my hands on a Ballistol. And there's a couple of things I'm gonna look for it.
Because again, we have the tool to defend ourselves, but what good is it if we don't keep it in working condition. So we have to remember that. When it comes to our firearm, we're gonna look for something that's going to, A, penetrate the metals. That's the first thing I'm looking for. And the reason for that is we want something that penetrates into the metals of the gun to make sure it extracts any of the gunk we don't want there.
So that's why we're looking for things that penetrate. So it does that well. We also want something that lubricates. Something that provides lubrication. Because when we draw all that oil out, it's kind of like drawing the oil out of your skin.
You're gonna leave the opportunity for dryness to sink in. And with metals, that's a bad thing. So we wanna make sure they're getting conditioned. Think about when you wash your hair then you put conditioner in your hair. Same kind of concept.
We want that kind of feel to it. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Yeah. This is what happens when you don't wash your hair and keep it conditioned. That's what happens.
So we wanna make sure that we're looking for something that has those properties. So one thing I do like about it also is the fact that a lot of us talking about personal defense while we're gonna be also think about that beyond the range and think about beyond just walking around. What about your pets, your kids, your spouse. So we have something here that's not gonna put a lot of toxic chemicals into the air. So when you're at home, you don't have to worry about, hey, I'm gonna go clean my gun.
And I'm also gonna make everybody in the house choke. We don't want that uncomfortable experience for our family or ourselves. So that's what it is. So what I've noticed though, also outside of the firearm, not only does it give us all those properties. Extracting that bad gunk, conditioning the metal, keeping the gun in fighting condition.
They're also going to allow this, this stuff is also conditioned, I'm sorry, to work on other things around your home, which is a bonus. So now we're talking about it works on wood. This also works on your car. So you've got leather seats in your car, this conditions your leather. So it's a good way to tell the spouse, like, hey, I'm not only buying this to keep this gun in control or in working order.
I'm also gonna take this out to the boat, the car, in the workshop, the tools, the kids' toys, or whatever the case may be, the tools in your garage. So it has multi-functions, which I really like. And also, we have this handy little thing here called the Flex Cleaners, the board cleaning rope. Here's what I like about it. In our journey at one point, we went out and we got our personal defense gun.
And we got this little box that had all these widgets in it. All the widgets. It's like a Lego and you gotta put it together and figure out how to clean. That way you should buy a shotgun and you should buy a rifle of every caliber. Yeah, absolutely.
And so to get away from that, this technology that Ballistol is providing allows for you, especially if you're on a range and you're doing a quick clean, or hey, you just went out and practice like I did. You just wanna get that thing ready. You're gonna go to the store after this, you're gonna go grocery shopping. Just wanting to make sure that gun's in working order. So you're gonna go ahead and get out your rope.
And think about it like a shoe string. So when you used to lace your shoes up, we have a weighted in here. This is gonna go inside of the bore of your gun, inside of that chamber. And it's gonna feed through. You're gonna make sure that you put your Ballistol solvent and lubricant on it.
So what's gonna happen is, as you pull through, you got a little puff part here. It's kind of an extruded out. And then you have a rubber ball. That's gonna add friction to the borough, get some of that force in and drag gunk out. So when you're drag it through, you're gonna be applying the oil and you're gonna be forcing it out.
Then you're gonna come again, have some oil on it. And once again, you're gonna soften it. You're gonna just slowly drag it out. Then the balls are gonna use penetration and force all the gunk out. And it does that movement three different times as you pull it through.
All you have to do literally, is drop this thing in your gun, pull it out maybe twice, sometimes three times. That's it, loads your firearm back up. Please make sure you're being safe while you're taking these actions. All right, load your firearm back out. Then you can clear out your range bag and all those things.
Get ready, go out to the store, go home, whatever you're gonna do. So I like that. Go ahead and strip your gun down. I saw that it was clear. So open that up and we're gonna just kind of do a little before and after.
We're gonna let Kevin get to work on cleaning this up while we go talk about something else. Absolutely. Because we need the Truth to be clean and clear. Yes we do. And it is, if you can't, I mean, it's a mess right now.
So just for retrospect, all right, because I knew what we're gonna be doing it. Yeah it wasn't just the 10 shots, right? Yeah. Well, here's the honest truth. This one actually, because I knew we were gonna have this demo today.
It's got about 500 rounds to it with no cleaning. So we're gonna go ahead and get this thing in working order and show you the results. All right, good deal. Meanwhile, let's go over here and talk about one of the other incredibly important things when it comes to your preparation for personal defense is how you carry your gun. So if you have a concealed carry permit, if you're in one of, I think, is it 17 States now that are constitutional carry.
So permitless carry, which is great. We need it to be 50. And probably several more. Right, we need it to be 50 plus Washington, DC. What we need to do is have a good secure way to carry a firearm.
Now, this is a company that's gonna be relatively new, maybe to some of you, because honestly, is a relatively young company. It's one that I've only become familiar with maybe within the last six months. And it's Weber Tactical. Now, Weber has a mindset to come to holsters from outside of the holster community and say, let me look at it this way, which immediately resonates with me. Barrett, you are, I think, when I look at the whole array, we've had probably 30 different contributors at Personal Defense Network.
You're the every guy. You're a family guy. You're active in your community. You're an entrepreneur. You've had real jobs.
You go out with the kids. You go out with your wife. You get dressed up. Sometimes you don't wear shoes 'cause you're from Louisiana. You kind of run the whole gamut.
And you have provided a great deal of very, very practical advice in training in Bearco Training and in Personal Defense Network for a lot of different types of people. So I know you have a practical mind to this. Talk to me about your impression, talk to everybody else, about your impression of the Weber products. Certainly. And I'm actually wearing one.
Rob was wearing one. In fact, I think all of the guys are currently wearing the Trifecta from Weber Tactical. And the Trifecta is designed to give you an option to where you could carry the same holster inside waistband or outside waistband, on the front of their body, on the side of your body, whatever your preference is. That's the Trifecta portion of that. Now, we've seen different holster manufacturers that have tried to also do this design previously.
And a lot of times what ends up happening is they don't really do everything extremely well. They kind of just do a poor job at each of those, inside waistband or outside waistband. And I think Weber Tactical really paid attention how to increase really the holster and make it better for just those positions. And so the Trifecta holster, we've got it sitting out here. Like I said, I am carrying it currently, outside waistband.
But it comes with your different options where you have the mod clips, if you want to carry it inside waistband, where it has a mod wing that is on there. And I've got them all apart right now. But with that mod wing, it allows us to be able to carry an inside waistband. And as your belt is applying pressure to it, what it ends up doing is twisting and turning the gun to where it falls closer towards the body. On inside waistband, they've got the discrete carry clips that you're gonna have, that they're gonna be able to come with.
A discrete carry clip, the way that sits on there. It really locks into the belt extremely well. And as we're sitting there working with that, it has a single point of hold in there. So what that allows really is when you have a single point, as you sit there and change and sit down, it provides a little bit of freedom. And for some people are gonna find that it's gonna be more comfortable when we're working with that single clip, as opposed to two separate clips where it really positions at well.
So we've got the different options that come with that. On the outside waistband system, the way that it accomplishes that. It's got another shell that comes on to the outside and it snaps all of this screwing in together. And of course, we've got the belt loops that drop on there as well. And on the belt loops, and the way that that sits and the way that I have this sitting on me now with the belt loops and the way that they sit with a wider platform, with that shell that's going over the top of it.
What that does is really pulls the gun in closer. And this is where I've seen several other designs that didn't do a very good job of keeping the gun coming close to you. So that really allows for that, more of that pancake feature. Now, the holster itself is made from a botathon, I believe is what they call that. A very similar in appearance to traditional Kydex holsters.
Now, I've been wearing Kydex holsters, probably going back 12, 13, 15 years. Over the years of that, we've definitely seen some evolution that's come through. But Kydex itself has always struggled with its, the brittleness. Where it actually ends up, can crack if it ends up flexing a good bit. So this material is not Kydex.
It is designed to be a more durable to where you're gonna have less of those types of issues coming into play. The holster is designed. You can see currently, I am carrying with a red dot optic on the top of it. So this holster is red dot ready. And that's true with all of their designs.
Now, where they're all cut for that red dot, they're also cut for suppressor sights. Being in that sight channel is gonna be deep enough. I've got suppressor heights sights on this one now. And whether that's inside waistband or outside waistband. And so as we're doing that, you'll be able to really move this holster around whatever your gun set up is.
Now, why would we wanna do that? And really, this kind of comes down to, it comes down to a couple of different options. I know as an instructor, as a trainer, when I get newer students out on the line, a lot of times when we're starting to teach presentation from the holster, I'm gonna have that holster set up outside waistband to where it really provides an additional safety protocols. Different layers of safety there with a gun that's sitting outside. It's easy for the coach or the instructor to be able to see what's taking place and it's going on there.
But it also reduces that risk just a little bit because the gun is not inside that waistband that's pointing at the body parts as it's coming in and out. So we apply that additional layer there. But where a lot of people are really gonna find a lot of interest in this, it's gonna be the different seasons. We're doing this right now from hot sunny, Florida. It's probably 80 degrees.
But as the different seasons change, especially in different parts of the country, many of people for comfort prefer to wear an inside waistband during the summer, when all they're doing is covering it up with a t-shirt. Or outside waistband during the winter. So if I'm wearing something like this, the flannel shirt that's going over the top of it. Well, now I may be able to, whether it's a jacket or just a lightweight pullover. But as I'm sitting there carrying that, it's gonna be able to conceal the firearm because it is keeping it close into the body.
So I've got this one currently. It's actually really positioned high, so you can change the ride height. Without that, that's even gonna help with that even more. Currently, I've got it sitting high. But if I'm going out and it's wintertime, now, all of a sudden I don't have to deal with the uncomfortableness of having the gun inside waistband if I'm constantly having to wear something that would cover up the gun anyway.
And it also, when you get into working from presentation from the holster, since it's not on the inside of the waistband with all the different layers that would be covering it up, that's one less additional layer making it a little bit easier to be able to get a hold of that firearm. With the other options that we have available with this company, with Weber Tactical, they don't just make the personal defense holsters. I'll take your jacket, sir. Thank you. I appreciate that.
So they don't just have the personal offense holsters, but they also are into the competition market as well. And that's the pretty blue and black holster that we're seeing there. It is. And it's like really super sturdy. It's incredibly well-made.
Does have their little logo sticker on it. And this, as I understand, is a new product line from Weber Tac. And what they have done at Weber Tactical is decide that they're gonna really try to service the gamer market. And what's interesting is, when I saw this holster, and if you're like me, when you don't really do a lot with like the three guns situation. I saw this hood and immediately thought, well, gee, that looks really tactical ish.
But this is actually designed, if somebody puts a gun in it. And I think maybe it was with this gun. Okay, I'll let you put that in there and show it, it's clear. Good. When we put a gun in it, it was very high over the back of the gun.
And so I called up Adam Weber 'cause he's very, and I'm like, is this, do we have the right gun? How is this? Obviously, this is for the optics. And when you're thinking about a gamer gun, when you're thinking about three guns. The optics can be larger.
It can be a lot easier to carry it out here, off your body. There's an aluminum drop, also, if you don't want this so high. You can drop down and get a little bit easier to get to when you're in that gaming mode, running around. But that's what this hood is for. The hood is there for extra retention to make sure that it is retaining the gun.
And I'm sure during some competitions you would just take that off or get that out of the way. But it's specifically designed to allow you to clear the optic that's gonna be on all the gamer guns. So again, a very versatile design, very sturdy, very well-made, is what I've found. Now, I'm wearing the appendix carrier. And I'm wearing it with a full-size Glock 48.
And I'm gonna have Derek come in. Derek's wearing it, are you using a 48 also? 48. So Derek's also got a 48. What he's got though is he has, I've worn this, if you've noticed this, maybe throughout this broadcast, this first half hour.
You've said, well, gee, Rob is printing an awful lot. I wanted to wear this holster this way so you could see the difference. And if you wanna go ahead and take that out and show them what we're looking at. This is a great clip. It is a great clip.
That's really why I wanted him to have to do it because let's see how well... That'd be great on a motorcycle. There they go. What wouldn't be great on a motorcycle right now? It's about 75 degrees, bike week is getting ready.
We saw a lot of Harleys being trailered and BMWs being ridden yesterday, coming down 75. That's mean to the Harley guys, but sorry. That's unfortunate. Talk to us about that because that's the difference. That's how you carry the full-size grip at my build.
Well, now Derek's build too. If you've been watching PDN, you know he's dropped a lot of weight. And yet you could still conceal it underneath of something like a t-shirt. Talk to me about that. Yeah, that mod wing.
These have been around for a while, but they've evolved and become better and more intuitive. But this one, you can actually change the depth and height. You have the long one or the short one? I actually use the long one. I like maximum.
Okay, Barrett's got the short one there. Whoever's got the closeup camera. So what it allows is, is when I put it in and I tighten down, that's just behind the belt and it just sort of re-pulls that grip back into my body. So I'm gonna do, is I'm gonna get, well, you're left-handed, that's okay. That's set up for a lefty.
I'm gonna take this off. I'm just gonna put that right there. And I'm gonna take this one and put it on there kind of left-handedy. And you guys who have been watching this, and if not, you can go back and kind of replay the tape. These are great clips.
Absolutely. There's that. And now what you're gonna see is with that little wedge behind my crossbreed, heavy duty leather belt, now it's a completely different experience. So now that is much harder to see because that full-size grip isn't poking out. Those of you who've seen my Glock 43L, the idea that I carry a 43 grip with a long 48 slide.
That's why, because I can't conceal it without that kind of a wedge. So Weber Tactical has taken care of that as well. And remember, in case that's not clear, both of these holsters are the same holster. That's the Trifecta. Cool.
So that is the Weber Tactical. Obviously, they have magazine carriers. They also have the, and these can be set up, I guess, for inside the waistband as well. But it's probably not their purpose. Their purposes is for the tactical market.
What else? Anything else on Weber Tactical before we go check on Kevin's gun? Obviously, that's the package and how it comes packaged. But you do just get all the pieces in there, all the screws that come with that, gives you the ability to be able to set it up exactly how you want it for your firearm based on the seasons, or based on your training with that. So it does give you the ability to be modulate, to completely change that, they're customized for you.
Cool. Well, walk with me back over here as I redress myself. And let's see how good a job Kevin Dixie has done cleaning up the Truth for us. Yeah. Well, you wanna be dressed before you approach me.
You make me uncomfortable. I wasn't undressed. Well, I don't care. Okay, all right. That's weird.
It's live. I know how you feel about me. Oh, great. All right. So welcome back.
So I hope you guys enjoyed that. That was a great demonstration about Weber Tactical. So now we're back over to Ballistol. And I have definitely cleaned the Truth. All right, so I'll give it a quick little field strip, a little clean.
And you can see here just to demo that, all right. I'm gonna take this white as best you can see it. And I'm just gonna get this thing a nice little wipe here. And you can see that that's still pretty white. And that was just a field strip.
Now, obviously you can take 30, 45 seconds giving your gun a quick clean. Or you can spend 30 minutes while watching your favorite show giving your gun a quick clean. Just make sure you have the right product. I'm also gonna add into this, no matter what product you're using. Obviously, we're hoping you're using Ballistol.
But you notice that you see all these components on the table. And you will notice the one thing you do not see is a magazine. So I don't have a magazine out on the table with the firearm as I'm cleaning it. Because I don't wanna have the opportunity to make a mistake in the process. And actually, when you put that gun in the battery and have a booboo at home or on the range or wherever I'm at.
So kind of take the magazine and all ammo away from the table before you start that process. But now the Truth is definitely clean. This thing is glistening. Didn't take long. I let it sit for maybe about 15, 20 seconds just to let the cleaner do its work, kind of penetrate that plastic and those metals.
And then I just went to wiping it off. So it works well. So I'm just gonna reassemble this thing. And to start, my borough back in, you left me. You made me nervous.
No, you're doing great. All right. So I'm just gonna put the borough back together. Go up here, lock the gun back down. And I'm not gonna let the slide ride for it for safety reasons, but there you go.
So if you would've stayed with me, that was like a 45 till maybe a minute and a half process just to get it relatively clean. But once again, you can spend, and make this enjoyable, guys. Get your battle style out, set up your cleaning area. Make sure once again, there is no magazine. I always tell people, keep the magazine and all ammo anywhere out of the room.
Make sure that not something that can accidentally be introduced to the firearm. But take your time. Really enjoy it. Spray the cleaner, let it sit for 15, 20 seconds. Watch a show.
Once your environment is safe, watch a show, make it enjoyable. Doesn't have to be so tactical. Enjoy yourself. And one of the things, like you said, this isn't like incredibly noxious. It's not, A, there's the issues of what the chemicals actually are.
But then there's just the atmospheric issues. You would feel comfortable doing this in your common space, just put a towel down. Correct. And if you just don't like aerosols for whatever reason, wipes. Ta-da.
So we take that element out of it all together. So you can also go to the wipes if you feel more comfortable. But dealer's choice. So now, this is the table of things Rob's not good at, by the way. So Rob's not good at cleaning his guns.
Rob doesn't even like cleaning guns. I clean the guns, keep 'em ready to go. So I really appreciate you doing that. I'm now gonna have Don come in for the other thing that Rob is not particularly great at and Rob doesn't particularly like to do is sharpen knives. So with my kitchen knives, I generally end up taking 'em out somewhere to get them done professionally.
With pocket knives, I just kind of use them. I don't really carry a knife like I'm gonna use it as a primary defensive tool. But if I did, once again, that would have to be maintained. Probably that's the most, because I don't have the patience or the discipline. I know you to be a craftsman the way you deal with rifle stuff.
Talk about your experience prior to this. And I'll say that I'm pretty okay at sharpening knives myself. I'll say, I can keep a working edge on most of my pocket knives. Some of 'em, they never seem to stay sharp. And I don't know if that's me or maybe I just need to have better knives.
But... These are good knives. This is micro tech and a bowker. Yeah, these are good. So I hope I don't mess them up.
And this is Work Sharp. So talk to me about... So cool. I guess we'll start out with this one here. 'Cause this is like an advanced Rob version of the old style.
Yeah. With the rods. It's similar to ones that have been around for a long time. I think there's a couple different brands. So this is a manual or non-electric, we have the electric one over here.
Oh, and here's another thing that comes with, I don't know which one of these it came with. And I hope that that one did too. I didn't see the instructions. But... Yeah, it's right over there.
It's got a handy little reference card. So it's like, what kind of knife are you sharpening? What degree of angle? So if you don't know... Yeah, I could actually follow this.
This special bevel edge. You can look at that and be like, oh, I'm sharpening a kitchen knife. I should probably use the 20 degree. So this is the manual. But yeah.
So this one here, I can set this for 20. So I just adjust this to 20, it's at 25 right now. But it goes all the way from 30 down to 15. So you can customize whatever angle you need your edge to be at. 'Cause I know some guys have really expensive custom knives and I probably...
Well, even kitchen knives. You want it to be shallow. Yeah. Versus like a cleaver. But then even we know like the more fine you get it, the longer or the less it's gonna stay sharp.
So that's why you wanna be able to do this yourself. I mean, at the end of the day, that's the reason. Is you wanna be able to do this yourself so that you don't have to take it out. And especially if you're using your knives. If these are hunting knives during hunting season, you might use it two or three times if you have a good hunting season.
Talk to me about what makes this one different and better and easy to use. Okay. Well, one of the things I like about it is in addition to it being like adjustable here and you can fine tune it to whatever instead of just having some presets, all the different stone grits are built-in to this one wand here, whatever it's called. So I don't have to have three different or four different kinds. I just turn the, the dilihoo thing, or whatever.
That's called a dilihoo. I think we can look that up at worksharp.com. Yeah, that's what they call it on their YouTube video. But it has a 320, which obviously, if you're sharpening something that's really dull and trying to rough it back up or maybe a tool or something. And then you go to 600.
And then it's got the ceramic one, which is gonna be your fine tune. And you just put it on the angle and do your sharpening. And the bowker is actually a kind of a big fat belly on there. Yeah, so this would allow you... To follow that as well.
To follow that contour of the knife, of the belly of the knife. The other thing that we discovered that's really cool about this thing. Is once you work one side, you just wanna turn it over. And the other side. Yeah, this is almost easy enough for me.
It keeps that angle. And I just pop it over, flip it over, pop it out, flip it over and switch it around. So I like this. This is pretty cool. That...
I really kind of like this one. Talk about that. I'm gonna get out of it. 'Cause I'm too tempted to use it. I'm gonna go check, explain that.
Well, I'm gonna use it on your knife. Go ahead, please. I'll come back for it. But the same thing, this came comes with this handy cheat sheet, if you will, that I think is pretty cool. So pocket knife, hunting knife.
If you don't know what you need, it says go with a 25 degree. So this has a resettable or angles for 20 and 25. I don't know if you can see what I'm doing right here. But all I do is I flip this lever up or down and it gives me one or the other. So if I flip this up, it gives me the 20 degree angle on the knife.
If I flip it down, it's preset for 25. So it's kind of a no-frills kind of thing, but it gives you the two major ones. The other thing is, it comes with these belts. Right now, this is the 220 grit. It comes with an 80, a 220 and a 6,000.
Obviously, the 6,000 is for the super fine polishing. All right, here we go. So this purple one is very, very fine. So once I get it the way I want it, I'm gonna use this one. And they're pretty easy to change.
You just slides off, got some spring tension here and it holds it right on. So, and you can also use it on your yard tools or something like that. If you had a hoe or an ax or something like that, you can use this manually. And it's reversible. So whichever way I want this belt to go, if I pull this switch to the rear, it's gonna go, as I'm looking at it right now, it's going counterclockwise.
If I go forward, it's going, actually now it's going counterclockwise. This way, it's going clockwise. So I can change the direction of the belt without having to change how I'm holding the knife. So I can put the knife in here, turn it on, and just pull it through. Okay.
Then I can do the other side. And this thing, I can't do that on a whetstone, I'll tell you that for sure. And I've got a few and these things... Is it ready for me? It's pretty sharp, man.
We can put the 6,000 on there if you want and hone it up a little bit. But... Which number was this? That's the 220. That's the 220.
Well, that's pretty impressive for 220. Yeah, we can probably take this off. Live with an airplane above us. You're gonna handle that. I'm gonna come back for this.
Everybody understands this for a second? I hope so. Awesome, all right. So what I like about it is there's been a lot of different companies out there that really have come around with some great opportunities for you to sharpen your knives at home. And there's a lot of different techniques.
And I know for some people, this is like a passion and a craft. For me, it's utility. I just want it to work and Work Sharp makes it work simply, is what I've seen in my limited experience. But you've paid a little bit more attention to it and found the same thing. Yeah.
I'm definitely thinking I'm on board with this because... I'm gonna go find knives to sharpen with that. I think, but first, I'm gonna come back over here with Derek. Tell 'em whatever else they need to know. Yeah, cool.
And when you're ready say, go to Rob. Okay, yeah, I'm on the same mindset. It's like, I like knives, but it's not my thing to the point where I wanna sit around all night sharpening them. If my knife is dull, I wanna be able to walk over to my bench and do this a little bit. I get that, oh, man.
Dude. I'm gonna keep this. Okay, great. Now I lost my knife. No, you can have the knife, I want the sharpener.
Oh, well now. Okay, that's where you'll sharpen my knives? Well, I'll sharpen this one for you. I was hoping to get him on camera. I'm over here with Derek.
We're gonna go back and talking about personal defense equipment specifically. And obviously, a lot of us carry knives and those knives would be backup worst case scenario defensive tools. But they are everyday carry kind of tools that we have. One of the other most important everyday carry tools that I think exists is the flashlight. Even outside, whatever, during the day, having that flashlight, 'cause you might end up inside or you might end up not going home to get your flashlight before you go out in the evening.
But a lot of people ask about weapon mounted lights. Now, we've got the Tor Fusion here, which is the Steiner light and laser combo. We're gonna talk about some of the really cool things about having a laser on a pistol. But let's talk first about handheld light versus pistol light. Go.
I'm a fan of the handheld. The gun is a personal defense tool. Having a light on it makes sense in certain situations. But overall utility, the handheld is my preference. And in fact, this gets used a lot every day.
You drop something underneath the car, you can't find it under the seat, you have the flashlight. I like this because a lot of times if we need to go hunt and find something... Keep that up and be left-handed as you are. I'll make sure everybody knows this is clear. And just talk a little bit about that transition, ready, how you're finding, identifying, and then potentially shooting.
And I'll be right back. All right. So right, we're gonna use the handheld light to actually find the bad guy. Once we found what we're looking for, we do need to engage. Then we can drop it if you have a lanyard, whatever.
Drop this, and then engage turning the light on as you drive the gun out. This has a nice, really big switch on it. So it's really easy to activate. It's ambidextrous. And it's ambi.
A lot of times, us lefties are left out in the cold. But in this instance, Steiner did a great job with a very easy to access and just touch. And it comes on and it's instant on. It stays on. And that's the light and laser combo.
So obviously if you followed my work, I am a huge fan of putting the light in your pocket and not on the gun. In addition to putting the light on the pocket and not in the gun, the other thing I think we should consider is if you had to choose, now, Steiner in this case makes it very easy to say, I want both. But in the case of the Tor Mini, we're talking about a laser only. I'm not sure which camera on, but that laser only on the Tor Mini is different. And when people have asked me, and obviously a lot of companies like Steiner have thought ahead and just said, you know what?
You can have both if you want. If you want the white light, great. You want the laser, great. You can have both. But if you only have one, if you have to choose between one or the other, I tell people to choose the laser.
Do you give advice along those lines? Yep. It's a great tertiary aiming device for like a home defense situation where like maybe you were cowered down behind something and you can't get to that full extended shooting position. Right. So what are we talking about?
What I'm thinking, what I'm picturing in my head is that I've got a scenario here and, you want the big one? You're a bigger guy. You use the mini. We'll go counter-intuitively here. There's that.
I'm gonna take this magazine. And let's just come over here. We got a target set up. So what am I talking about here? And the idea is that if I have this gun, which I'm now gonna go ahead and make hot.
And I can get it to my line of sight, well, then I've got the sights as an option. I might have the red dot as an option. If I have a light or a laser, maybe I'm using the size of that white light. If it's a white light halo around the target, I could maybe use that intuitively as well. If I'm focused on the target, I know if it's lit up.
But here's the thing with the laser. And this is one of the big complaints we've had about lasers over the years. Is this idea that, well, if you put the laser on the gun, then people are gonna shoot like this so they can see the laser dot. Well, we don't want that. We want the gun in and parallel with the line of sight.
So the laser isn't really there, people will sometimes say, well, do you want a red dot sight or a laser? They're not the same. The laser is there for when I can't get to my fully extended shooting position. So that if I am injured and I end up here, and you can see I've got that dot on the target now, that red dot. If I, for whatever reason, can't get into a full shooting position, I can still get hits on the target based on that red dot telling me where this red dot laser, not red sight, telling me exactly where it's going to be.
And this can also, I'll clear this real quick. Clear. This also is great for injured shooter situation. So if I'm in a situation where, and I'll let Derek demonstrate. Derek gets, he's left-handed that's why the gun's in his left hand.
When he gets knocked down to the ground and he can't get to an upright position. He can't get into a shooting position. Maybe somebody is on top of him and he's holding that person off. But somebody else is coming at them with a steel toed boot or something in his face. From that position, he's got a green dot on the A box and he can go ahead and fire that shot.
Whenever you're ready. And again, know exactly what's going on. Now, this is really interesting. He's clearing this malfunction. Why did he get a malfunction?
Well, he got the malfunction because that's an unsupported platform failure. When we talk about an unsupported platform what we're talking about is the gun is not stabilized for proper absorption of the recoil by the recoil spring, the slide doesn't go fully back and forth relative to the frame. When the frame moves, the slide moves with it. Sorry, when the slide moves, the frame moves with it because it's unsupported and that's the situation you're in. So almost like perfect, in this case, the idea that you were in an unsupported position, you needed to get a shot off.
Your shot hit the target. If you're in an unsupported position, you may not have the opportunity for a follow-up shot. And that's exactly what we saw play out. So in that way, the laser as a tertiary aiming device, and Derek used that word tertiary. Remember, the idea is that our primary way that we aim for personal defense in close quarters situations is kinesthetically.
Both eyes open, focused on the target, drive out, press the trigger relatively smoothly, get the hit. And when we're in situations where what we're talking about is not going to be good enough, it's not close enough. It's not intuitive enough for unsighted fire. We go to sighted fire. That's our secondary aiming method, is the iron sights or a red dot.
And then our tertiary aiming method. One of the ways we use that would be body index. So if Derek's trying to choke me out to death and he's got me pinned up against the wall and I can't do anything about it. And I decide to go to a gun and I rotate, get that gun out of my left hand for the benefit of our home audience out there. I would actually be using my body index here knowing where his body is to get my gun pointed at him.
Because I have the gun indexed on me, my body's indexed towards him. And I could shoot. If I break away from him and I had a red dot or a green dot on his chest, well, now I can also shoot from this position or maybe transition back into my good extended position. So the laser expands the circumstances under which you can use a defensive firearm. And that's why I like the laser as the option over the white light.
But with the Tor Fusion, you can have both. I'm gonna get out of the way. I've been involved in almost all of these. I'm gonna have Don Edwards and Kevin Dixie come in here and talk about single-stage and two-stage triggers, which they have examples of over here. And then we'll be right back.
All right. So what you wanna start with? I guess start with the, what do you have in there? I got a two-stage... I got a single, yeah.
All right. I'm gonna lead you... Is it clear? All right. Yep, you're all clear.
Well, all right. So this is a single-stage CMC Flat Bow. I think it's the first one they ever came out with. It's a two and a half, 2,2. It's a two pound, two and a half pound.
That's what it is. So it's relatively crisp. I mean, it's very crisp. It's actually one of my personal favorite triggers. Any gun that's like a, I call it daily driver, kinda like a CQB, burn it down, not a precision rifle.
This is the trigger that I usually go to. And I really like it a lot. Single-stage means basically you got one distinct break of the trigger. That's sear breaks. You use anything like this on yours?
Yeah, I like single-stage. I also like two-staged triggers. I think there are pros and cons to both depending on how you're using them. But there is one thing that I don't think a lot of people get a chance to really ask. So I'm gonna ask you here now, so we can help educate the audience.
When you say two, two and a half pounds, can you help everybody understand what that means and what you should consider when you're considering that weight of what you're putting into your gun. Right, so this one doesn't have that. But if this was a, oh, you're talking about just a two and a half pound trigger? Yeah, two and a half pound. So that's how much pressure I need to put on that trigger in order to make it, break it, and go off.
So that's why we always say finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot. Because if you have a trigger that is fine like this and it's relatively fine for a defensive trigger. It's probably more tactical. You can make it go off before you're ready. So make sure, you're making sure that you're ready to make the trigger go off.
And my hearing just shut off. So let me just take 'em off. Terrific segue to the suppressor. So yeah, so I like that two, two and a half pounds because it gives me the ability to shoot faster. So if I need to put multiple rounds to the high center chest as fast as I can, 'cause you know my motto, whoever puts the most rounds than the other one in the shortest period of time has the odds in their favor anyway.
It's a long motto, but it's accurate. Yeah, maybe it's a mantra. Okay, I like it. Or an action. But yeah, I like a lighter trigger as long as I can feel the brake and whatnot on it.
Now, a two-stage trigger is something that most of us personally put into like a designated marksman or a long gun. And I'm not sure what you typically... That's kind of my advice. Whenever we start thinking about two-stage, one benefit of the two-stage over the single, if this is a thing. You can eliminate this or minimize it as long as you're practicing safe firearm handling.
But because you do have two-stages. You have slack, where you basically come back to a wall and then you break through and that causes your gun to fire. Well, if you're worried about safety. If you're not worried about your mechanics being on par yet, you're kind of new to it. Then I would probably go with a two-stage.
And if you're doing something a little bit more precise, you're getting behind a rifle, a DMR rifle or something like that. Or you're taking longer shots. Then maybe something like a two-stage. Because a lot of people will use that slack time to basically make sure they're holding still, get their breath under control and then break that shot. So definitely some benefits to it.
Yeah. And then also long gunners will do a two-stage 'cause they wanna have it just ready to go. And it's that last little bit of boom. They're gonna be a lot more precise about what they're doing with a two-stage. So yeah, different guys like different things.
And I will say that CMC, I've been using these roughly for about a year and a half, so that's relatively new when you consider it. But a lot of recommendations, CMC does great work. I mean, the quality of their trigger, it's hard to beat. So I really do like a single-stage or a two-stage, whichever you go with. I've been using a CMC trigger for 15 years and I love 'em.
Yeah, CMC triggers, especially in the rifles, there are... Good people over there too. Great people. Hey mate, maybe one of them has a CMC barrel, even in the public. CMC has come a long way from just the triggers.
They're very efficient triggers. We have, I think been efficient enough to be right around an hour. There was a bunch of other things we wanna talk about. One of the things that I got to tell you is this is this is a CQT from Steiner. And it probably isn't something that you're super interested in owning for $10,000.
I think it's actually 9,999 MSRP. This thing is like video game technology. And this eventually is gonna be a $1,200 kind of thing. Right now, super high-end. Justified for military law enforcement environments, things like that, for hunting in the dark.
What this is, it's a red dot, like you would normally have like a red dot kind of square field of view up, heads up red dot. Super imposed in there is thermal imaging. And I know that you can't see that right now on live, but then go look at some of the videos I'm gonna put out. I'm gonna put more out on it. The most important advice I can give you.
If you get one of these for hog hunting or because you have $10,000 to spend on what is a really trick video game, like it only happens in the movies kind of integrated thermal optic. Don't put it on a gun for the first two weeks you get it. Because all you're gonna wanna do is be like, wow, that is amazing. And I don't want you pointing guns at people. I know you guys have looked at it.
What did you think? It's pretty wild. I was thinking, how can we put this on a rifle and actually play with it. Yeah, just don't put it on an actual rifle. Don, you have used thermal and night vision more than any of us.
What do you think of the integrated technology? The integration, we call it fusion. Well, fusion when you were talking about night vision and thermal, this is a different kind of version of it. The thermal imagers are getting smaller and smaller and smaller. We have some that are slightly larger than a BIC lighter that will attach onto a night vision goggle and give you that thermal overlay.
So what we're seeing here is just more evolution of that. That gives a guy heads up. So you're using your red dot and maybe you can't necessarily see everything that's over there. Well, there's something over there. Oh, that's a person.
Or that's, there's something that needs my attention. But you just gotta remember that whatever you're pointing at, you're pointing a gun at. And that's why I said offensive tool, primarily. This is maybe for hog hunting where you're going after that. thermal.
Yeah. It is not designed, it's not the home defense kind of everyday thing. I get it for $10,000. But it is some really advanced technology. And it shows what Steiner's capable of and where the market is going.
I really appreciate you guys joining me. I've made a post on my social media earlier about the fact that I'm pretty extemporaneous and improvise. There's no script here. There's a list of six things that says open and we even forgot to put close on it. This is the close.
Guys, thank you for being part of the first Personal Defense Network Product Showcase. Thank you for watching and for sharing and for tagging. Throw some questions in there, let us know what you think. Let us know what you'd like to see more of this, less of that. This part was great and not so much on that.
Not the products, 'cause the products I think are all pretty interesting. But really, the way we presented this. We definitely wanna hear from you. Register for the free email. If you're not getting the free email from Personal Defense Network, do that.
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