Nemo Arms Battle-Light Rifle in .223 Wylde
Deryck PooleDescription
The Battle-Light is ideal for long days of rifle training, for home defense, as a patrol rifle, or other applications. For Rob Pincus’ take on the .223 Battle-Light he used on the Training Tours, watch it here.
Hey guys, Derek Pool here. I wanna talk to you guys a little bit about one of our 2022 PDN training tour sponsors. Uh It's Nemo rifles. If you had a chance to check out the PDN Live, you got uh a preview of this, but I wanna take the time to go over some of the more, more features of this rifle to let y'all get really familiar with this rifle. So what we have in front of us is a couple of the Nemo battle light rifles chambered in 223 wild.
Let's look at some of the features that make this rifle a little bit different than some of the other ones out there. First off, we have an upper and lower. That is both is billet, it's a billet machine upper and lower. Right from there, we go into a 15 inch hand guard that is actually M lock and actually comes with a few attachment. Uh petin the attachment points already on the rifle, which is a real nice feature because if you've ever bought a rifle in the past and you get one and it's M lock, there's usually not any room to hang that light or something else off of this rifle, off of the side or off the bottom.
Right. It comes with those attachment points already there ready for you to use. It has a 16 inch mid length gas system. Um, what's important about that is that mid length really helps in shoot ability and controllability of the rifle. But to further assist with that controllability and shoot ability is Nemo uses their dual chambered uh muzzle brake on this rifle.
So you'll actually be really surprised. I can tell you, I have shot many rifles. I was actually very surprised at how little recoil this rifle actually did have when shooting it and actually shooting on a higher volume of fire like a higher string of fire, right? As we come back and look at the rifle, as you can see the bolt's home here, it's a nickel boron bolt and bolt carrier. So why is that important?
Well, the nice thing about the nickel boron is it makes it move much smoother inside the action and less susceptible to oiling problems. You don't have to worry about excessive amounts of oil to keep this rifle running in a one or two day class. That nickel boron really does start paying some dividends for you. Looking at the rifle further, I am a left hander, right? Most A Rs or American sporting rifles don't come traditionally with ambidextrous controls this one out of the box.
They give you a lot of cool ambidextrous features and those are for you right handers, if you're in a class and you have to do any sort of transitioning left or right, it gives you better options and better accessibility to running that safety selector. So we actually have an ambidextrous safety selector on it as well as an Ambi Dexter's magazine release for those of you new to rifles, the left handers out there that are new to rifles having that ambidextrous magazine release allows you to use the same manual of arms on a reload that a right hander would as opposed to needing to modify the technique a little bit for the lefties out there. On top of that, we actually have a ambidextrous charging handle, right? The charging handle, a nice uh Radeon Raptor charging handle. I've actually run these in many rifles before and they can put up with a whole lot of abuse looking down at the trigger, right?
This thing has a comes factory with a £3.5 C MC flat bow trigger, very nice crisp action on the trigger. As you can see also we're looking at the Tungsten Sarah coat. This is my rifle. This is the Tungsten Se Sarah coat, but it does come in many other options. They have a burnt bronze and I'll show you this tiger striped anodized version here in front of me in a, in a few seconds, but keep working our way back, we have that traditional forward assist that a lot of people are used to seeing on, on the rifle buffer tube and one of my favorites, they come with the mission.
First tactical minimalist stock. I'm a big fan of the stock. It's light, it, it adds an extra grabbing point on the rifle as well as they can put up with a lot of abuse. So if you ever get in a position of a rifle needing to be mortared or something else, th this stock can handle that, that sort of work if necessary. As you can see before I forget, let's mention these uh QD mounting points comes with a couple QD mounting points on the hand guard.
So it's ready to go if you already have a QD sling or that's the route you wanna go as well as a QD mounting point back here on the mission first, as well as attachment points for just straight strap attachment. Finally, we have the uh mag pool grip, the mo grip, um very nice ergonomic grip to hold on to this rifle. So that is the Nemo in Tungsten. But let's look at this one. This is one of Rob's rifles.
So if you're out on the range during the tour and you actually have a clash with Rob, this is the rifle, one of the rifles that you'll actually see as you can see the difference. This one actually has this cool green and black tiger stripe. This is not an actual C code. This is actually anodized on the rifle as for features, they are pretty much all the same between the two, except for Rob's rifle has a trigger tech, the £3.5 flat bow trigger, um, a little bit different feel from the C MC. It's comes down to personal preference.
So if you head over to Nemo Arms and you wanna get one of these, you can actually decide for yourself which uh configuration that you'd like. One final thing to note is you do have the option. If you're not a fan of the uh mission first tactical minimalist stock, there is the option to get the traditional, um, stock that is produced by mag pool, so you can get that as well. This is the Nemo Arms, the battle light rifle. It's chambered in 223 wild.
If some of you out there are like, well, I don't have any 223 A O. Don't be worried, right? 223 is not an actual caliber of round. It's the actual chambering of the barrel itself. These are stainless steel barrels chambered in 223 wild, that 223 wild gives you the ability to shoot the 556 round or the 223 round.
But with the chamber tolerance is the way it's set up, it's better suited to handle it than saying, going with a 556 barrel and which is able to run either or so, the 223 wild gives you a little bit of step up from what I've been told. It's sort of almost like a match grade type of barrel chambering. So that's a nice new feature. This is actually the first rifle I've ever owned that comes and teach you to do wild. So I'm really excited to actually get some trigger time myself and experience the difference between that and that traditional 556 barrel.
So this is the Nemo rifle. I'm really excited to have them on the tour. I'm one of the rifle guys and, um, you know, always interested to see what's new and coming out and Nemo definitely knocked it out of the park with this rifle. So I hope to see you guys on the range and give you a chance to shoot one of our rifles and see you out on the tour. Thanks a lot.
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