3-Minute Home Defense Tactics
Rob PincusDescription
Home defense tactics is an incredibly important topic and it can be a very intimidating topic especially for those who are just getting started and thinking about defending themselves or their family, inside of their home. But in less than three minutes, we can get a good idea of the five fundamental elements of home defense. The first one I wanna talk about is, to evade. If you know that someone is trying to get into your home to hurt you, or maybe even if you become aware that someone is in your home and poses a threat and you can get out of the house, do so. If you can at least get out of the area of the house where they're making entry or where they are, you're going to be safer.
Get away from the bad guy, be where they're not. The second thing we wanna talk about, is the idea of arming yourself. Now, if you carry a firearm inside of your home of course, you're always armed. You've got that defensive tool and you're ready to react in the worst case scenario. However, if you aren't always armed inside of the home you're going to wanna use probably a quick access safe to make sure that we're deterring unauthorized access to the firearm, but making sure that you can get it when you need it.
The next thing we wanna do is talk about barricading. If you are stuck inside of the home, but you've gotten away from where the bad guy is, you've managed to get that defensive tool, that firearm ready, you need to make it harder for the bad guy to get to you. Close the door, lock the door, push something in front of the door. Maybe you've installed a deadbolt ahead of time in the bedroom door, the area where you know you're going to be barricading, so you make it harder for the bad guy to get to you. The next thing we're gonna talk about is, communicate.
The idea of communicating primarily with the police, is the idea that we wanna make sure that while you're barricaded in that room, if they can get there, if they can chase the bad guy away or maybe deal directly with him inside of your home before you have to, that's a best case scenario. When you communicate with the police, you wanna tell them a few things. You wanna tell them where you are. Don't count on caller ID. You wanna tell them what's going on, you wanna tell them that you're armed, you wanna describe yourself and you also wanna describe the bad guy if you can.
This way when the police show up they already know the bald guy with the gray pants is the homeowner, is the good guy, and anybody else is gonna be seen as a potential threat. The last step of course, is that you want to be ready to respond. Now the response worst case scenario ultimately is going to be actually using that firearm that you've put in your hands, that you've been training with, to defeat the bad guy, to stop him from hurting you once he's inside the room, once he's found you, once he's past the barricade. When you're thinking about training for that worst case scenario in a shooting situation remember that you can be really ahead of the curve here if you're doing your training in a reality-based way. If I'm in a barricaded position and I know from that position it's 12 feet to the door, I need to go to the range and practice shooting at 12 feet so that I can be as prepared as possible for taking the exact shot I'm gonna need to take in that home defense situation.
Home defense tactics is a big thing, and it is a big deal, but it's not something that you can't get a grasp on very quickly, very easily. You've got the five fundamental steps, now you know where to start, go from here, look deeper, and be prepared.
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