HIVIZ LiteWave H3
Rob PincusDescription
One reason this is a great sight picture is the bright white tritium ring around the front sight. Although there are three dots, it’s very easy to get a good, hard focus on the front sight, especially if you want to take it up quickly. Rob is shooting at a chest-sized target at about 25 or 30 yards. He can acquire the front sight quickly, because he can easily see the big, bright white ring around it, and then focus on the sharp edges of the black rear sight and the top edge on the front sight, which is also black.
Rob is shooting during the day in bright sunlight and has no problem seeing these sights.
HiViz is a high-quality sight company most well-known for their fiber-optic sights, but the LiteWave H3 has tritium as well, providing 24-hour illumination. It has a 12-year warranty on the tritium from the date stamped on the side.
The H3 is available for all popular defensive handguns. Rob reiterates that these sights are really easy to catch because they’re highly visible. The white ring makes all the difference around the front sight, and there is plenty of black space around the dots for that good, crisp edge-led sight picture, where you focus at the top corners of the front sight and the rear sight to get a good sight picture after you get your sight alignment.
The H3 is a good choice for a sight system on a defensive handgun, including everyday carry, and Rob feels it would also be useful for target shooting.
Talk to you about these Hi Viz sites. I've got on this Glock 48. You know, I'm not a big fan in general of three dot Sites, but I got to say this is one of the best three dot site pictures that I've seen. I'm gonna go ahead and break the gun down and we're going to take a closer look at what Hi Viz has going on here. And one of the things that makes it really nice on this light wave technology, they call it their H 31 of the things that makes it really nice with these setups is the bright white Tritium ring they've got around the front site.
So while you do have the three dots, it's really easy to get a good, hard focus on what's going on with the front site if you want to just pick it up quick. Now, here I'm shooting at a relative normal size target. It's about probably the eight inch ticket. It's an eight inch circle. So we're talking about a chest size target shooting at about, I don't know, probably about 25 maybe 30 yards at the most.
And what I could do is get that front site quick. I can see that big bright white ring and then turn and focus on the sharp edges of the black rear side and the top edges obviously black on the front side. Now, high vis is a well known high quality fiber optic site company I think is what most of us think of. But this is 24 hour illuminated tech because it has the tritium as well. And it's got a 12 year warranty on the tritium from the date stamped on the side.
When you buy these sites, these sites are for obviously for a Glock and this is on a 48 slide. You can see it's marked 43 L because it will fit on a 43 frame as well. But these are marked for the 42 or 43 specific. They do make the sites that are the width to go with all the normal glock nine millimeter 40 covers. They also make the glock 10 millimeter 45 the sig and the XD.
So these three dot handgun sites from high vis are available for just about any defensive handgun. A lot of other companies obviously use these same types of cutouts or the glock style front site with the little screw that goes in the bottom. And again, what I really like about them, they're really easy to catch because they're highly visible. The white ring makes all the difference around that front site and they do have plenty of black space around the dots for that good crisp edge led site picture where you're focusing at the top corners of the front side and the rear side to get that good picture after you get your site alignment. So take a look at the high vis if you're looking for something to go on to your defensive handgun or shooting like this may be more oriented towards target shooting and the high vis has a lot of options for that as well.
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