Freedom Munitions 2024 PDN Training Tour Update
Rob PincusDescription
Instructors and students have been very happy with the Freedom Munitions round-nose and hollow-point training ammo used during the Tour. Rob has also done gel tests with various Freedom Munitions rounds – check out the results in these videos.
We are about halfway through the personal events, network training tour and 2024 has been a great year. Of course, what makes it great is a lot of ranges. A lot of instructors, a lot of students, a lot of different pistols in those students hands and we're there mostly to do live fire training. And freedom munitions is again our tour sponsor. Freedom Munitions is supplying a lot of ammunition to our instructors that we can give it to the students that are actually out on the range, whether they're using one of the cannis, whether they're using one of my demo cannis or another instructor's gun that they're borrowing or they're using their own gun.
What I have found. And now for two years running is that the freedom munitions ammo, whether we're talking about the round nose or the hollow point training AM O has been great. And obviously a lot of people know that freedom munitions has gone through a lot of changes over the last few years. Freedom munitions was very popular in the training community about a decade ago. And then they kind of faded from favor, they faded from popularity on the ranges for a couple of different reasons.
And since we've had them on the tour in 2023 people have been really happy with freedom munitions and I've been happy with it too. We've tested some of their ex de their actual defensive rounds. We've tested it in nine millimeter. We've tested it. I think we've tested it up against some other rounds.
We've tested it both. Uh, also in 357 magnum, which was great. We've even tested it suppressed. So if you haven't seen those videos, check those out. And of course, if you're not familiar with the tour, go to PDN Training, at PDN Training, you're gonna learn about all of the classes we're running.
There's still about 7580 classes left. Like I said, we're about halfway through the 2024 tour. We've got over a dozen instructors. We've got people training in all different kinds of defensive disciplines. Some lecture classes, some classes focused on tactics, some even focused on instructor development.
But the vast majority are an armed defense, armed defense of A P with a pistol or armed defense with a rifle. And freedom munitions is a great resource for training mo for our classes or any other. I'm gonna get back to my practice again with the freedom munitions training mo um But check it out if you haven't given them a look, especially if you maybe used to use them and you got away from it for some reason, get back to looking at freedom munitions for all your training needs and maybe join us in a tour class.
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