All right, let's, what do you got? You're ready? Okay. We have a drill set up here. This is a transitioning drill. But it's a competition transitioning drill, which means I'm gonna care about how fast you do it. But guess what else I'm gonna measure? Whether or not I actually do the thing I'm supposed to do. I wanna know that how, not only how quick you can do it, how accurate you can do it. And it'll be the same thing, whoever shoots fastest and most accurately is gonna have the best score. But all you're gonna do is shoot a popper. You have to hit a popper first. If you go miss and go here, you still have to go back. Miss, two other paper. Miss- Sarah! Why do you always throw? That was a Freudian slip, I'm sorry. You're not going to miss. Steel, put two on the paper. Steel, two on the paper, steel. So it's ding, bang bang, ding, bang bang, ding. But we have to define from the competition standpoint the value of accuracy on the target, and I'll let you define it, any hit. Any hit... oh no, I see you're saying, so yeah, so I would go defensive, I would say anywhere inside of the C zone, and you're good to go. Perfect, and would you say it's a failure if you are outside of the C zone? Oh yeah. Okay. Then that, I'm going to say, I have absolutely no problem with that. All right. Right. So you understand what you're doing? I understand what you're doing. You're going to start from ready position, loaded up, ready to rock. Make sure I'm loaded here, just in case I have to cover for you. Whoa! Yeah? Are you calling me out? Yeah. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I have to go to another place. You get so angry. I have to go to another place. I don't know why, you're making me shoot on a timer! Here you go. As soon as ready. Hit the popper once. One popper, two on the paper. One popper, two on the paper, one popper. Soon as ready. Stand by! Standing by. Well, you added another comeback to the paper, but that's okay. It's all right! Clear! It's all right, your time is 5.05. That wasn't what we're supposed to do? No, well, you just shot at the paper again, but you didn't need to, it's okay. I'm just starting to steal in this. I'll set your targets up. Let's set it up. So you've got all your hits in the part of the target you're supposed to have, so you're good to go. And as expected, you shot a really good run because we all know you're a better shot than you like to tell people. Well, that's not true. It's true. It's true. You make me competitive. Wow. And that's what I want to drag out of you is another place. I want you to go to another place. So you're 5.05. All right. What was your ready position? I just want to make sure I do it. Like that, like that. All right. What kind of gun is that? Don't you even mind yourself. Stand by, shooter! You're so much faster than me! 3.33. Why? Because you don't doubt at any point in this game that you're ever going to miss a target. Never going to miss. Never going to miss. One of the techniques that I'm training people in on is to know the result of the shot before they fire it. I don't come back to see if I hit. I don't stay to see if I hit. Sure. That's the competition side of it. In a fight, you might not do it that way. No, but for- For just the measurement. There's no assessment and it makes a big difference, and it shows. Here's your $10. This is snacks. That's mine right there. Keeping that.
Man, I wish I had a range nearby where I could do a drill like that... Fun AND helpful!