Deryck Poole

2015 PDN Training Tour Update #6

Deryck Poole
Duration:   2  mins


Rob Pincus is in Colorado about to hit the road again towards the Pacific Northwest on the last leg of the 2015 Tour. Meanwhile, Deryck Poole Checks in with an update from Florida, including some information about a great new training facility in Reno, Nevada.

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All right, getting ready to start the last leg of the 2015 Personal Defense Network training tour. I'm at my western headquarters, you can see the tour truck out there over my shoulder, getting ready to head up to Idaho to teach this weekend an extreme close-quarters tactics course, and then I'm going to go up to Oregon, teach a couple of courses and teach in Washington to finish out the tour. I actually just got done doing some video work for Personal Defense Network, for some upcoming DVDs and free video clips at the website. It has been another record-setting tour in 2015. We've had more students come through more courses with more contributors teaching those courses again this year.

And one of those contributors, Deryck Poole, has checked in with an update during my two-week hiatus, during the 4th of July break this year. Before I get started to finish the tour out, of course we've had other instructors out there busy. He's gonna check in with us from Florida, from one of his recent courses now. Deryck Poole here with Echo-5 Training. Just wrapped my last class of the 2015 PDN tour.

I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. My last class was in Reno, Nevada, with my host, Reno Guns and Range. If you're out that way, make sure you go and check them out. They're moving into a new facility. It's going to be 24,000+ square feet of indoor shooting, retail space, machine gun rentals, top-notch training.

In fact, the guys that are in the training department there have been going through a lot of the ICE training certifications. So they're going to have a top-notch training department there as well. I wanted to also thank my sponsors. We had CMMG, they were one of the PDN tour sponsors. They supplied a couple of rifles for me this year.

Thank god, because we had a lot of students have rifles go down. Those two stepped into the role and they worked great. Also Breakthrough Clean. The Breakthrough folks sent me a bunch of samples. This stuff kept the demo guns running as well as a lot of students' guns running.

There is still time on the tour, so make sure you get out there, check the schedule. You can maybe catch up with Rob or one of the PDN contributors. Hope to see you guys on the range and I'll definitely see you in the 2016 tour. Thanks. If you missed the tour this year, of course we'll be back in 2016.

But remember that I and all of the other PDN contributors teach year-round, so even if we have courses that are just through our own companies, whether it's my company, ICE Training, Deryck Poole's Echo-5, Alessandro's Safer Faster, Shooting-Performance with Mike Seeklander. All of us are running courses year-round, around the country and the world. Try to get with us if you can. If not, free articles and videos are always available at

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