Rob Pincus

2014 PDN Training Tour Update 5/2

Rob Pincus
Duration:   5  mins


Rob Pincus checks in from Indiana where he’s teaching a couple of courses after having spoken at the 143rd NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis. Rob talks about the value of distance education, the kind that PDN offers through video and articles, and shares a short excerpt from one of his presentations covering our responsibility to train with our defensive firearms.

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One Response to “2014 PDN Training Tour Update 5/2”

  1. Joseph

    I do know people that have multiple guns and unfortunately don't see the need of training- plus do not have any idea of the state laws concerning the use of their firearm. I guess it is just my background that I cannot see doing anything without getting some training. I remember someone did some work in my mother's house that looked atrocious and I confronted him about it and his answer was I have been doing it this way for twenty years. I answered him doing anything for twenty years does not make it right; I told him you been doing it wrong for twenty years, to which his face turned red and he got furious. I resolve this year not to be a fool but get more training.

Rob Pincus here, I am in Newburgh, Indiana. Rob Pincus here, I am in Newburgh, Indiana. And the reason of course, that I came to Indiana this time of the year was because of the 143rd annual NRA meeting. And what that is, is the NRA convention. It's a great gathering for the industry, but it's the one gathering of the year where we really go there not to hang out with each other, and to do business to business stuff, but really to spend time with our customers with our students, with all of the people like you who take advantage of the services and the products that we provide as an industry.

There are rallies, there are meetings, there are concerts, or all kinds of things going on, but the main attraction for the well over 50,000 people that came to Indianapolis this past weekend is of course the convention floor where people get to hang out with all of the people who make the great products the guns, the accessories, the holsters all the things that we all buy and use not just for personal defense but also the sporting arms, all the hunting arms all the collectible firearms and accessories. That, of course the industry is full of. Main reason I went there was to hang out with the other combat focus shooting instructors and Personal Defense Network contributors to put on seminars. We did two seminars a day and there were almost 3000 people that actually took place in those seminars. So, at one point we had standing room only other busier times of the show we might've had three or four hundred people in the room but either way we put out a lot of great information.

I'm going to show you some excerpts from one of those presentations. But first I wanted to talk in general about the idea of distance education, the idea of learning through video like the one you're watching right now. And of course like the videos that we put out at PDN. was created as the online wing, as an extension of the original Personal Firearms Defense DVD series that we started back in 2005. Well, to date, we've shipped over 6 million DVDs.

And there is no doubt in my mind that people have benefited from those, that they've actually become educated. They've learned things, they've taken the information they get from those DVDs. They put it into practice in their everyday life. They share it with their family. They share it with their people.

And of course, they come out on the range like we're getting ready to do here this morning And they actually get to practice the physical techniques that they learned from a DVD. So whether it's something like the concepts that are taught in our counter ambush course, the concepts and the physical techniques that I went over when we were actually in the seminar room on defensive shooting skill development or even the concepts that people put into place for home defense, learning more about locks and doors and barricades, and actually how to train with your family and talk to them about tactics. That was another one of the seminars that we did this week in Indianapolis. It doesn't really matter, whatever the topic is there is no doubt that you actually have to get out on the range for physical skills. You have to hit the gym for fitness.

You have to do physical things but the mental things can all be approached. They can all be learned. You can at least get your feet wet with distance education. So don't forget, head over to check out all of our contributors from the Personal Defense Network website. When you see their articles, when you see their videos if you get a chance to get one of the DVDs that they're on go to their website, see what they have to offer.

Most of them have blogs. They have other videos. They do YouTube channels. There is a plethora of information out there in the industry. If you can't make it to a Personal Defense Network training tour event this year at least take advantage of the opportunity to train with me and all of our other contributors through distance education.

Primarily, I own guns for personal defense, home defense, for defense of others. I have to give away all my guns but I only get to keep one gun, the last gun that I'm going to keep, is it going to be my grandfather's side by side 16 gauge hunting shotgun that you can shoot rabbits with and bring home to feed the family. It's going to be a Glock nine millimeter, an NV nine millimeter, an XV nine millimeter. It's going to be a defensive gun. It'd be probably a gun that I can carry conveniently and use at home if I need to, and I can defend others with if I need to do including defense of our way of life in that worst case scenario, which is the reason we have the Second Amendment in the first place.

How many people also, get ready, raise you your hand if you primarily own firearms for personal defense, home defense, or defense of others? Keep your hands up. This is the fitness part This is the fitness part you got your hands up do not be a video gamer . Keep your hands up. All right- don't put your hand down!

All right, now, if you've got your hands up because you primarily own guns for personal defense, keep your hand up if you have more than six guns. Now more than five, if you have more than five guns keep your hands up All right. If you've never taken a class or a formal defensive firearms class you didn't have to take concealed carry permit, military, law enforcement that you paid for taking the time. Borrower, snuck into a formal class keep your hand up. Never taken a class, keep your hand up.

More than five guns, primarily own guns for personal defense, never taken a class... you all have some things to do. You've got a decision to make here. You've got a safe full of guns and you're telling yourself and your family and me right now in this whole room we have you on video with your hand in the air, primarily have a gun for personal defense, home defense, or the defense of others and you're not training? You're not taking classes?

You're not learning, you're not getting better? You might actually be a gun collector. And that's cool! Being a gun collector's cool but don't tell yourself that you own guns for defensive purposes if you're not out training, people. And that's not about a money spending thing, it's not about a budget thing.

Again, the money to buy the 30 guns you've got in the safe came from somewhere. And you get your personal defense gun you got your shotgun, you got the rifle, you have the 22, better believe you have the 22, and you get one other, your choice. When you buy that sixth gun and you haven't been training, practicing, I start to say, well, maybe you're more of a gun collector than the actual person that has the gun for personal defense. There's nothing wrong with that as long as you're honest about it. I'm really passionate about that.

Really passionate about the fact that we have a responsibility to train the response ability.

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