PDN Training Talk: January 18, 2018
Training Talk with Grant Cunningham is the show to watch to get reliable and responsible self defense information!
Training Talk is the webcast that talks about you: about your life and how to protect it. Grant and his guests cover defensive shooting, unarmed self defense, home defense, situational awareness, training tips, and much more.
This week Grant’s special guest is Alessandro Padovani, and they’ll be discussing women’s self defense classes. Many such courses are watered down or filled with unworkable (and sometimes silly) tactics and are more insult than enlightenment; Grant and Ale will talk about how these classes should be constructed and what should be taught to actually keep women safe.
No politics, no conspiracy theories, just authoritative information you can use — right now — to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. If you’ve been looking for rational and reasoned commentary about all aspects of self defense and personal safety, Training Talk is the show for you!
Join Grant at 6:pm Pacific/9:pm Eastern for the LIVE broadcast of Training Talk! Of course, if you miss the live show you can always watch the replay right here!
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I am a former military officer with 25 years training in various martial arts. But the best women's self defense course I have ever seen had nothing to do with anything I ever learned or taught. It is program called "Model Mugging" or "Impact Self Defense" that my wife went through. It is a course where women are "attacked" by instructors in padded suits. The attacks are realistic. The instructors scream obscenities at the participants and attack with force. The women defend full contact and do it again until they get it right. However, participant safety is observed. The emotional training is excellent also. The women get over the emotional aspect by experiencing and pushing through it. Have you had experience with courses like this? What do you think of them?