PDN LIVE! April 2016

Rob Pincus and John Brown answer questions related to Fitness for Personal Defense during April’s PDN Live event. John Brown was one of PDN’s first contributors, is a former Navy Seal, owns and operates Crossfit Agoge with his Wife Kelly in Colorado and has been a educator in the tactical, self-defense and fitness world for over a decade. While Rob is well known for his defensive training, many people do not know that he is also a certified fitness coach and owner of Crossfit Endeavor in Ohio.

Questions ranged from the best exercises for those interested in self-defense to the best ways for those with physical limitations to train to protect themselves. Both Rob and John shared their philosophies on fitness training and which aspects they believed are most important to focus on. Several questions were specifically related to preparation for defensive shooting and activities that lend themselves well to work in or at home or on the range with minimal coaching or equipment.

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21 Responses to “PDN LIVE! April 2016”

  1. Rico de la Llama

    interested in training programs

  2. Gary Falconer

    Push ups, chin ups and a lot of cardio,u don't need anything else IMO. Don't go into overdrive tho. No wheigts,they're useless.

  3. DowntoEarthThinking.com

    Staying fit and healthy are the precursors to self defense. Your mindset is the key to gaining any and all fitness or specific skills ! Once you understand these basics you will gain incredible confidence and it will build with your experience. I am in eastern Oregon and teach all these methods. See the fitness page and Firearms page and you will see the results. I am all about results and nothing else ! PDN is on the right path ! No need for any hormones or pharma to be fit and strong at any age ! I am living proof. Nutrition is a key element. I have actually found a sort of fountain of youth.

  4. Wes

    I m 80years young. I carry a mod 19 357. Been thinking of going down to a Walther 380. Appreciate your comments.

  5. randy young

    Great video, your a very good teacher, keep up the good work.

  6. Roger

    What's both of your opinions on Chuck Norris' "Total Gym"? I'm 60 years old, and I've been using it faithfully since Jan 1 of this year, every other day for about 20-30 minutes, and I feel pretty good. I like it because you use your own body weight with the exercises.

  7. Braden

    I can still shoot and practice often as a CCW citizen. At 50, I have torn labrum and can't really do heavy shoulder work and physical therapy had me using rubber bands for strengthening exercises. Can't really fight, shoulders are done. Is there anything I can concentrate on for keeping fit for shooting?

  8. Treg

    IThe athletic “square,” stance is common to shooting. Resistance training for athletic function and real-world situations you notice one leg stance exercises and also one arm resistance movements. Do you recommend resistance training in unilateral function?


    What exercise would you recommend for some with knee or shoulder replacements? thanks

  10. Wayne Clayburgh

    always enjoy you two