LIVE Training Videos: Reality Based Training, Shooting Skills & Vehicle Defense
PDN LIVE with Rob Leatham
In a recent PDN LIVE Event, Rob Leatham (one of the greatest competitive shooters of our generation) and I had a chance to respond to questions about Defensive Shooting Skill Development. Rob Leatham is regarded as one of the best shooters on the planet, but many interested in defensive skills are quick to dismiss advice from those who participate in choreographed competitions. Similarly, people steeped in older approaches sometimes question the training methodology that I espouse for defensive firearms training. During this enjoyable hour of conversation, the PDN Audience learned that the the two of us have much more in common than many would think. Leatham has spent a considerable amount of time training military professionals and others interested in practical defensive skills and my team of Combat Focus Shooting Instructors been training military, law enforcement and responsible gun owners using an intuitive approach successfully for almost two decades. In preparation for this LIVE event, we recently spent a day together on the range in Arizona comparing notes and challenging each other with the drills and training techniques we use with their students. If you own a handgun for personal defense and are interested in developing practical skills in an efficient way, this is video is one that you need to watch!
Safe & Efficient Presentation from the Holster while in a vehicle:
During our Advanced Pistol Handling courses (several of which are offered during the 2016 PDN Training Tour), we cover many unorthodox shooting positions. The selection includes shooting while seated and we usually get students into an actual vehicle on the range to practice the application of the skills in context. This video shows the proper way to cross your body with the gun after it comes out of the holster, as it is moved into a shooting position through the window on your weak side (Driver’s side for right handed shooters, passenger’s for left). Pay close attention to this one! Unfortunately, in a rush to shoot the targets, many videos online reveal that this safety detail is being left out of many courses on the topic of vehicle defense.
The video has been added to our Facebook Page, as Periscope videos expire… be sure you don’t miss out on future ones!
Reality Based Training with Live Fire:
Too often, the term “Reality Based Training” is misused to refer only to training done in scenarios with role players and protective gear. The truth is that ALL of your self-defense training should be “reality based”… including your live fire training sessions. With the help of the latest generation of the interactive Jedburgh Target System, I cover several important concepts in this short video… including some of the limitations and downsides of training on traditional steel targets. This video also shows an at-speed demonstration of multiple threat engagement in a simulated 360 degree environment from concealment.
Training Talk with Grant Cunningham:
PDN also recently launched a twice-per-month Live Show with long-time Contributor Grant Cunningham called “Training Talk”. On the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, Grant will update you on the latest offerings from PDN, discuss Current Events in the self-defense world and give you his opinion on several important training topics. During the Tour months, he’ll also be sharing news about current and upcoming classes that YOU can be a part of.
Keep an eye out for more frequent LIVE broadcasts from classes and events in the future, especially throughout the 2016 PDN Tour. Subscribe to PDN’s Periscope Account, streaming videos at my Facebook Page and be sure you are registered for the Free PDN Newsletter to learn about our monthly Live Hangouts with featured guests & the latest Training Talk Episodes to be sure that you don’t miss out on notifications.
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