Image source: https://www.themaven.net/bluelivesmatter/
I’m very pleased to have been asked by Rob Pincus and the good folks at PDN to undertake a weekly series of brief articles designed to help subscribers develop a more functional and adaptive defensive mindset in preparation for the likelihood of possible encounter with Violent Criminal Actors (VCAs). Over time, we’ll review and discuss a wide range of artifacts present in criminal violence, in defensive responses to that violence, and in the dangerous moments of their intersection.
Most importantly, we will highlight the vast differences between the internal processes common to a VCA and those typical of normal, ordinary citizens. We hope always to plan more successful practices and strategies for protection of self and others based on knowledge of those differences. Please follow here, as well as at my website, for more information.
For our first case example, a horrific abduction, sexual assault, and murder from the Pacific Northwest.
Teenagers in small-town environments, friends, and a mysterious disappearance combine here to yield a shocking outcome. As ever, seemingly inexplicable crimes with nebulous motives and incomprehensible levels of violence yield painful truth and insight, IF practitioners of self-protection can look past our inital horror at the circumstance and the shallow appeal of hand-wringing over the mistaken belief that “there’s no explaining the behavior of crazy people.” In cases such as the attached, there is often a headlong rush to victimology to attempt to understand what qualities or behavior of his drew violence to him, but inquiry into the offenders will most often prove more fruitful.
Coverage in some local media sources notes at least an indication of motive in this brutal crime: retribution against the victim for perceived mistreatment of a female known to the perpetrators. This would jibe quite well with the element of sexualized degradation and assault on masculinity present in the rape of the victim with a foreign object. Please note as well the unhesitating brutality in the assault undertaken in concert, despite the youth of the dual offenders. They planned the event with some attention to detail and with an eye to concealment of the crime itself, pressed a ruthless surprise attack until the victim was definitively killed, and finally went to elaborate lengths to avoid detection of their crime through use of fraudulent social media activity as well as movement of the body to foil efforts at discovery.
Though eventually caught by virtue of a series of errors in judgment and action, the very incongruity of these offenders and their crimes points out an unnerving truth. We must, as part of establishing a personal risk profile, recognize that people in our social orbit can be sufficiently dedicated and angry with us to plan, stage, and execute our murder without betraying that state of mind with any external sign. A first step toward this risk assessment must be recognition that our actions can have unintended consequences and that we have no power to control the proportionality or appropriateness of those consequences when others and the urge to violence are involved. Thank you for reading and, moving forward, always #thinkhardtrainhard and #bedangerous.
Retribution when justice is not forthcoming may seem harsh but maybe the only solution sometime...
I took Dr. Aprill's Unthinkable course a couple years ago. Although I have a MS in Criminal Justice and spent 21 years as a reserve police officer in DC, I still learn from it. I have recommend to many people that they take his course. It's more valuable than another shooting course unless you are just getting into defensive shooting. At the end of the course, I asked Dr. Aprill about books he might recommend. He suggested reading about criminologist Lonnie Athens whose work is described in Richard Rhodes book, Why They Kill. I highly recommend it.
Just watched your video presentation with Rob Pincus about violent people. Your discussion reminded me of a paper called "The Subculture of Violence" written by criminologist Marvin Wolfgang about 30 or 40 years ago. The problem of violence is still the same now as it was then.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! Be careful who you befriend. Our society is dysfunctional and full of dysfunctional people. Some of these dysfunctional people could end up being your friends. I have 2 friends who were ruined by others who were their friends. Our society is collapsing like a slow-motion train wreck. Be very careful of who you choose to be your friends.
That is a terrible thing that those boys did.
The Bible states that in the Last Days Evil Men Shall Grow Worse and Worse deceiving and being deceived. Jesus said, "Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy" and also said, "Satan is a LIAR and the father of ALL lies".
This is a very sad story but none the less a reminder that bad people are out there and that we must be a constant vigile and be on the defense and aware of our surroundings at all times.
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